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The Ghost Monument (Part 3)
This is gonna be a very, very long chapter since I'm attempting to split episodes into three chapters. I swear "Rosa" and the episodes onwards will be split better :)

After waiting by herself for around fifteen minutes, the boat was up and running and Charlotte and the fam had climbed in with Epzo and Angstrom. Angstrom was in charge of steering the ship while everyone else sat.

Epzo, Charlotte, and the Doctor were sharing one long seat with Charlotte in the middle. Ryan was on the floor and Yasmin and Graham were on two separate seats opposite the long seat.

"Hey, Yaz, can you believe it? Alien planet, man," Ryan said to Yasmin, who smiled.

"I know."

"This planet doesn't make any sense," the Doctor said. "No other life forms except us and the microbes in the water. No people, no animals, no insects, no nothing. But he talked about old settlements. What happened here?"

"No one cares," Epzo said, drinking a clear liquid from a small vial he was holding. Charlotte assumed it was his medicine.

"Don't take him personally," Angstrom said. "He treats everyone like this."

Epzo scoffed. "I don't need other people."

"We all need someone, Epzo," Charlotte said softly.

"We're all alone," he replied. "That's how we start and end. And it's the natural state of all points in between." Charlotte could sympathise with him, having felt like that too many times during her life. But there she was, with the Doctor on an alien planet. There was nothing to be sad about.

"Were you born that miserable? Or did you have to work at it?" Graham asked.

Epzo chuckled. "You know, when I was four, my Mum told me to climb a tree. She made me climb until I was too scared to climb any higher. Then she told me to jump into her arms." Charlotte could already tell where his story was going. "'Don't worry,' she said. 'I'm your Mum. I'm here for you. I'll catch you.' So I jumped. And she moved out of the way."

"What?" Ryan questioned with disbelief.

"Sorry. Did you say your Mum did this to you?" Yasmin asked.

"Smashed into the ground. Broke this arm. Shattered that ankle. And she stood over me, and she said, 'Now you've learned. You can never trust anyone in this life'."

"That is messed up," Ryan said.

"Best thing she ever did for me. I loved my Mum," Epzo said.

"Yeah, she sounds terrific," Graham said sarcastically.

"Your Mum was wrong," the Doctor said. "We're stronger together."

"Do you have someone, Epzo?" Charlotte asked him and he shook his head.

"I thought I made it clear to you. I don't need anyone," Epzo said.

"Well, I think you're very, very wrong. I think you should start trusting people. Not everyone in this universe isn't trustworthy. Maybe if you give it a shot, you'll be surprised at how many great people there are. And I think you should trust us," she explained and the Doctor smiled.

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