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Rosa (Part 1)

Charlotte mumbled directions to herself as she searched the TARDIS for her room. It was almost like the TARDIS didn't want her to find it.

"Can you help me out, old girl?" Charlotte asked the TARDIS, only getting a few beeps in reply. "Please?"

She groaned when she arrived in the exact same hallway she was in seconds ago. "I'm just going round in circles! Why're you torturing me like this?" Charlotte whined, banging her forehead against the wall. With a defeated sigh, she started her journey back to the console room, which took a lot quicker considering how long she had searched the TARDIS.

"Goldilocks," Charlotte whined as she arrived back at the console room. "I can't find my room..."

"Did you ask the TARDIS to help you?" the Doctor asked her, smiling with amusement.

"What do you think?" Charlotte deadpanned, motioning to the console. "It's like she's trying to keep me away from it!"

"Bad TARDIS," the Doctor scolded her time and space machine, causing Charlotte to giggle at the sight. Yasmin, Ryan, and Graham were looking at the Time Lady oddly as she smacked the console with a warning glare. "You be nice to baubles."

The TARDIS, in response, took off and made the ride very rough and bumpy. Charlotte squealed as she grabbed onto the nearest thing to keep her steady, which happened to be her sister. Yasmin looked at her with wide eyes before she was knocked to the ground by Charlotte, who was throwing her around wildly in an attempt to keep herself steady.

"Oi!" Yasmin exclaimed, sitting up. "I'm your sister, not some expendable object!"

"Funny. I thought they were the same thing," Charlotte shot back, feigning confusion before breaking out into a grin when her sister snickered. She cried out with shock as she fell backwards. "All this time and you haven't gotten new stabilisers!" she yelled at the Doctor, who was gripping the console as she tried her best to pilot the wild TARDIS.

"I'm sure they're somewhere. As you already know, I threw them into a supernova when I was in my eleventh body, but the TARDIS has changed since then. I'm sure the TARDIS added 'em back," the Doctor replied before the TARDIS stopped. They had landed. "Okay, gang, team, fam! I attempted to pilot the TARDIS while she was throwing a tantrum. This should be interesting..." she announced as Yasmin and Charlotte got back up.

The Doctor headed to the TARDIS doors and opened them, making a noise of surprise. Charlotte followed. "Oh, she didn't land inside a volcano, Sontaran spaceship, or on anything remotely dangerous. We're in Montgomery, 1955. I was genuinely expecting something like Gehenna," the Doctor said to Charlotte.

"Well, we don't live in Montgomery, and we certainly don't live in the 20th century," Charlotte replied, watching as the Doctor stomped back to the TARDIS console and waggled her finger at it.

"You're doing this deliberately, aren't you?" the Doctor questioned the TARDIS.

"If you're talking to me, I haven't done anything," Ryan said and Charlotte snorted.

"She's scolding the TARDIS—again—because this has been our ninth attempt," Charlotte replied.

"Fourteenth," Graham corrected and she made a noise of confusion.

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