✯ T w e n t y - N i n e ✯

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Demons of the Punjab (Part Two)



"We've lost the Doctor! Mayday! Red alert! Red alert! We've lost the Doctor!" Ryan screamed as the three of them sprinted through the flower field that surrounded Umbreen's home.

"She was with us and then gone!" Prem exclaimed. Yasmin and Graham met them halfway and they all came to a stop before Yasmin pointed behind them.

"There she is!"

And there she was indeed.

"Get to the barn!" the Doctor cried, running towards them with the container of sorts in her arms.

"What?" Graham called.

"Get to the barn, right now!"

And so, they all ran and escaped into the barn, where the Doctor was placing a small glowing blue object on a wooden pole within the structure. It was then that Umbreen and her family entered.

"No! Stay back!" she yelled at him just as a loud ringing sounded, causing everyone in the room to cry out in pain and bend over, trying to block out the sound by covering their ears. The sound soon stopped as two Thijarians appeared in front of them, both looking at the Doctor.

"You disrupt our work," one spoke.

"Good. Now, who are you here for?"

"We don't answer to you."

"You must leave, or we will stand over your corpses," the second Thijarian added, to which Charlotte scoffed.

"As if," she snapped. 

"Nothing like getting to the point," the Doctor said as Prem took a step forward.

"Is it me? Are you here to kill me?" he asked them. "Take me and promise to leave the others."

"Prem, no, not going to happen," Umbreen said quickly, grabbing her fiance's arm to hold him back.

"Both of you, I'm dealing with this," the Doctor said to them both. "I've just nicked four of your Transmat locks out of the forest. Good trick, by the way. Forcing people back, away from the boundary. Clever. So clever, I'm using it myself, against you, locking you out of this farm." With that, she turned and used her sonic screwdriver on that small glowing object, making it turn red and cast the Thijarians out, letting Charlotte sigh in relief.

"You killed the demons," Prem said.

"No, just exiled them for now. I made a temporary Transmat barrier around the farm. I'm hoping it will keep them out for the next few hours. Enough time for you to get married and for us to keep everyone safe."

"Are you serious, after what's just happened? Can't you see what's happening? You bring demons to life," Prem's brother spoke harshly.

"I don't think they're demons," the Doctor shot down.

"Well, I do. I'm with Manish," Umbreen's mother said.

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