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The Parting of Ways (Part 2)

When the TARDIS landed back on Earth, Rose had run out. But Charlotte stayed. She'd seen the Doctor pilot the TARDIS. Of course, she hadn't seen the Doctor pilot the TARDIS as long as Rose had, but she had seen a few things.

"Gosh, you look so different," Charlotte said, walking up to the console and running her hand over the edge.

"She does, doesn't she?" Sophia said from beside her, making her jump.

"How are you here?" Charlotte demanded. "I don't understand how a person could bring someone back in time."

"I'm like you. Well, not exactly like you."

"So, you're human?"

"Oh, God, no. I'm not anything close to human. How early is this for you?" Sophia asked, exasperated.

"Right now, I am here. My Doctor would notice my disappearance. She must be beside herself with panic right now," Charlotte said sternly.

"Not particularly. Sure, she's certainly panicked, but not because you're missing. You see, you're currently dying. A weeping angel made its way into your mind and it's trying to kill you, but you're actually killing it. To put it simply, there's something inside you. Something powerful and dangerous. I wish I could tell you now, but it's for you to find out yourself, with the help of your Doctor.

"I displaced you a day behind time. Every day you're here is a second that passes in your time. Right now, you are still on the floor of the TARDIS, dying," Sophia explained. "It's certainly much easier to move you when you're alone and I promise you, after this, I'll only get you when you're alone."

"How can a weeping angel—whatever that is—be in my mind? How can it even be killing me?" Charlotte asked, shocked.

"Ash got there too late to stop you from looking at it. And it's not killing you, you're killing it."

"Ash? That's the guy that appeared when that...Oh, my God." Charlotte started panicking.

"Don't worry. Ash'll finish the angel off, erasing it from history. It'll be safe for you to go back to your time."

"So, I'm only here because I'm...killing a statue?"

"Technically, yes. The angels weren't supposed to reach you yet, but they did. You need to be more careful and run from them instead of to them, Charlotte."

"They were following me, okay? What else was I supposed to do?" Charlotte asked incredulously.

"Not follow them," Sophia replied as if it were obvious.

Charlotte exhaled slowly. "What am I supposed to do now?"

"Keep Rose safe. She's going to do something...bad. Don't stop her from doing it and certainly don't kill yourself trying to save her. Just watch out for her, and make sure she doesn't do too much damage to others and herself. Okay?"

"Got it. I have no idea what you are talking about, but I'll keep her safe."

"Good. Also, when she's about to leave, don't follow her. The moment she and the Doctor share isn't for you to be a part of."

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