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Meeting the Tenth Doctor

Charlotte Khan loved Christmas. Some children, when they were her age, knew that the jolly old man who snuck into the house through the chimney was nothing but a story parents told children to get them to behave. They just loved Christmas because of the presents they got or maybe because they got to see their family.

Charlotte loved Christmas because her Santa wasn't the old man that lived in the North Pole. Her Santa was the Doctor. A man who was far from normal.

She waited every night for him until she got too tired and fell asleep. Tonight was the night before Christmas, and since the Doctor first came on that night, she had hoped he'd arrive that night. She was going to do what she told herself three years ago: she was going to stay up all night until he came. She had already done this before twice, but third time's the charm.

She was ecstatic.

Charlotte grabbed her favourite novel, "The Fault in Our Stars", and sat on the armchair that she sat on when the Doctor came. Just when she was about to open the book, she widened her eyes at the hair accessory she almost forgot.

She quietly walked to her room and clipped on the bow before she sat back down on the armchair and opened the novel. She had prepared a batch of cupcakes and hot chocolate this time.

Just when she finished the first page, there was a light tap on the door. Charlotte looked up from the book with wide eyes. Was that the Doctor? She didn't want to give herself hope only for it to be someone who wasn't the Doctor. Although, it was eleven at night. Who would knock on someone's door at eleven? It had to be the Doctor.

She didn't know how long she was frozen in that position for until there was a louder tap on the door.

Charlotte leapt out of the armchair and opened the door. There, right in front of her, was a man in a pinstripe suit. He had brown, untamed hair and wore converse. She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Who are you?" she asked the man. This wasn't the Doctor! This was some odd-looking man who wore converse with a suit. What an odd pairing.

"Baubles!" the man whispered excitedly, giving the girl a tight hug. "Oh, I missed you! I told you I'd come see you sometime. I even see you didn't take off the bow! Good job for remembering! Knew it was you as soon as I saw that and the curly hair you have."

Then she realised that this was her Doctor. When he pulled away from the hug, she crossed her arms. "Did you get hair? Plus, your big ears aren't there anymore! You're also wearing a skin-tight suit! What happened to you?" Charlotte demanded and the Doctor faked an offended look.

"Oi! I didn't have big ears!" he defended himself.

"I called you Dumbo because you had big ears. Now I'm going to have to call you sandshoes!"

"These are not sandshoes, thank you very much," the Doctor said as he walked into her house and sat on another armchair.

"What have you been up to, then?" Charlotte asked him, changing the subject. She sat on her armchair and watched as the Doctor's eyes brightened at the sight of cupcakes and hot chocolate. He dug in, giving her a grateful smile while his face was stuffed with the cupcakes. Charlotte giggled.

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