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Rosa (Part 3)
I am so grateful for all of you readers! <3

"Mrs Parks, enormous clothing emergency. Can you help me?" the Doctor said, holding her ripped coat in her hands. The trio had headed to the place where Rosa worked and were now asking for her help.

Rosa examined the tear. "That is one nasty tear."

"Yes, it is. And there is nothing us Brits hate more than a clothing emergency," Yasmin said.

"Also, I love that coat," Charlotte said, pointing to the coat.

"Mrs Parks, I have to go out in that coat this evening, and if it's torn I'll get in such trouble," the Doctor said, faking distress.

"From me," Charlotte said, pointing to herself. "If it's not a bother, can you take a look at it now?"

"Double-time Christmas bonus," Yasmin added hurriedly. Rosa looked at her schedule.

"Well, I don't have any collection until tomorrow afternoon. I guess I could fit you in," Rosa replied and Charlotte smiled widely. "Now, if you come back just before we close—"

"I'll wait...while you work. Keep you company," Yasmin suggested.

"I don't need company," Rosa replied.

"No, but my coat does. It's very valuable. I don't usually let it out of my sight," the Doctor explained before she handed over her coat. "Thank you. You're gonna make a big difference."

"I will stay, too, if you don't mind. I don't have anything to do this evening and I've always loved watching people sew. Brings back memories," Charlotte said, smiling kindly.

"Well, I better set to work then," Rosa said before she walked off.

"Don't let her out of your sight. I'm gonna go meet Graham and Ryan," the Doctor told Charlotte and Yasmin. "Remember, get Rosa out of her by 5:40, at the latest, to be on that bus on time." She rushed out of the room.

Yasmin and Charlotte both looked at the clock on the wall, which read 3:49pm.

"What does sewing bring back memories of, Miss...?" Rosa asked Charlotte.

"Khan. But call me Charlotte," she replied. "It doesn't really bring back memories, but I was told that my father used to sew. He left me at a young age."

"I'm sorry to hear that. It must've been hard," Rosa said sincerely,

"I couldn't remember," Charlotte said with a shrug. "But getting a new father was hard. I never really liked him much, but now I'm older. Anyway, I got an awesome sister."

"So, have you always wanted to be a seamstress?" Yasmin asked Rosa, changing the subject.

"No, I dreamed of being a teacher," Rosa replied. "But my grandmother got sick, then my mother, so that was the end of school."

"Sorry about that," Yasmin said.

"Oh, I got myself educated. Just took longer than I thought."

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