✯ T w e n t y - T w o ✯

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Last of the Time Lords

"Citizens of Earth, rejoice and observe," Charlotte heard once she woke up. She had no idea how she got where she was or what happened, which made her panic like most people would in that situation.

"Where the hell am I...?" Charlotte muttered, going to stand up but she was pulled down roughly by chains. She hit the ground harshly, smashing her head against the cold floor.

"Baubles, are you alright? The Master brought you in here a while ago," the tenth Doctor said, but Charlotte noticed that something sounded off. Her eyes scanned the room and she saw the familiar face of Jack Harkness. She gave him a questioning look but he just jerked his head to the opposite side of the room. Her eyes moved to that side of the room and landed on the small and shriveled body of the Doctor in a birdcage. She was overcome with horror. Who could do that to him?

"Who did that to you?" she demanded, trying to tug her hands out of the cuffs that were chained to the floor.

"I did, darling," said a man in a black suit. He had been behind her at the time so she couldn't see him but then he stood in front of her. He gave her a smug smirk that made her sick to her stomach.

"Who are you?" Charlotte demanded, glaring at the man.

"I'm the Master. I'm quite offended that the Doctor hasn't mentioned me once," the Master answered with a pout.

"I've only travelled with the Doctor for at least a week," she shot back. "And I haven't even travelled with this one, I've travelled with another of his regenerations."

"Oh? So that's how you made it onto this ship. A little mix up with timelines?"

Charlotte shrugged, "Sure." The Master's eye twitched at her nonchalant response. She opened her mouth to add something else but then the elevator doors opened to reveal a black woman wearing all black clothing. The woman stopped at the end of the staircase connected to the platform that Charlotte and the Master were on along with a few other people that Charlotte didn't know of.

The Master turned his back on her and faced the new arrival, holding his hand out to her. "Your teleport device. In case you thought I'd forgotten," he said. The woman reached into a pocket on the side of her leg and she pulled out a small device, tossing it to him. He caught it.

"What the hell is going on...?" Charlotte said quietly. Jack had a face covered in dirt, there were a few maids next to him, and then there were more unknown people near the Doctor. She was more than confused and she was terrified, so much so that she could feel whatever power she contained rippling under her skin.

"And now...kneel," the Master ordered the woman and she did what he said without much of a second thought. Charlotte was even more confused. Kneel? What the hell is this guy saying now?

"Down below, the fleet is ready to launch 200,000 ships, set to burn across the universe," the man said, running to a control panel and asking if they were ready. Charlotte widened her eyes with horror.

The Master looked at his watch, "Three minutes to align the Black Hole Converters! Counting down!"

"Counting down, my ass," Charlotte muttered, using her powers to break the cuffs around her wrists. She didn't do anything yet, wanting to hear what else the nutcase wanted to say.

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