✯ A u t h o r ' s N o t e ✯

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Please read this! If you honestly don't want to, then read the end, I guess...

Bonjour! Je m'appelle Salty! I wrote this chapter to talk to you about this book.

I am so very, very proud of how this book turned out. I'm having a proud mother moment right now! The plot is very intact, my writing style is all the same, I have plot twists, and I just have a very not confusing and engaging book! Well, I hope it's engaging😂

Charlotte Khan, well, I tried my best to write some character development for her and the Doctor! They're both closed off and when it comes to relationships, a romantic one isn't exactly what they look for. They both know it ends horribly in their own way. So, slowly they begin to get over their fears and just do it! They make their dreams come true!

Season 2 of Doctor Who (SPOILERS FOR THOSE WHO HAVEN'T SEEN IT) the Doctor was going to tell Rose that he loved her, but was cut off, which killed us all! Don't deny it. We were all sobbing and wailing and screaming for something to happen so he could finish that god damn sentence!

Then, Season 4 (SPOILERS AGAIN) came along and the Doctor didn't finish the sentence for Rose. His half-human self told her, but he never did. This obviously told me that he just couldn't. Rose was going to leave him again and he couldn't tell her because of that fact. At least he left her, knowing that she would be happy.

I took these scenes into account when making this book. The Doctor and Charlotte's relationship is a slow burn. They may seem like they will admit their feelings early, but NO. It's called skinny love. It's also called, running from your feelings, bottling your feelings up, philophobia etc.

They've both experienced some horrible endings when it came to relationships that they just didn't want their relationship to end that way because they cared for each other too much. Don't worry though, there'll still be cute scenes between the two! I know how painful it can be to watch two people that you ship together not admit their feelings for each other, so hopefully the scenes I write into this book make up for it!

Now, here comes more explaining! Camila Cabello released an album on the 6th of December 2019 that was titled: "Romance". I listened to the entire album and found myself loving the song "Easy". I was obsessed with the bloody 13th Doctor by this time and still am, so I felt that this song suited her really well. The Doctor is a complicated Time Lady with a complicated past, a complicated personality, a complicated mindset, and a complicated thought process. When it comes to the Doctor, I'm pretty sure she thinks that no one could love her after all the things she's done. With the weight of the universe on her shoulders, I'd imagine that she'd be depressed and incredibly lonely after the amount of companions she's seen leave. I mean, I don't even think I need to imagine. She's lonely and sad and she needs companions like she needs air to breathe. They're like her sanity.

That's where Charlotte comes along! She makes the Doctor feel that maybe she wasn't as hard to love as she thought she was because Charlotte's love for her knows no bounds. It's infinite, it's strong, it's pure trust and adoration. Charlotte loves and trusts the Doctor with every fibre of her being and she just makes all the Doctor's doubts go away. It's a kind of peace the Doctor hasn't felt in a while.

Charlotte's also similar in a way. She's not as complicated as the Doctor, but she's her harshest critic and she's too hard on herself. Ever stuffed up something and made it out to be way more horrible than it was? Yeah. That's her, and that's me, and that's possibly all of us reading this author's note. She sounds very relatable now that I'm typing this down.

Charlotte doesn't love herself and she's great at hiding it. It's a secret she wants to keep up until the very moment she dies. Charlotte's got secrets she'd take to the grave. When the Doctor first meets her, it doesn't take long before Charlotte trusts her. It's like an instant connection, a bond.

When she meets the 13th Doctor, that trust just builds even more and she tells those secrets, she admits everything she ever wanted to keep to herself. Charlotte gains the courage to confront the Doctor about her fears and if she ever felt under the weather. The Doctor feels like a beacon of hope to Charlotte. Hope that maybe she deserves someone. Hope that she deserves to be selfish. Hope that she doesn't have to be harsh and discouraging and doubtful about her and her capabilities. The Doctor makes her believe that she's easy to love and easy to trust.

And we've finally reached the end of that very long explanation. They both, basically, don't believe that they could ever be loved by each other so intensely and easily (I mean, there may be some roadblocks...but they all go away eventually :D). They make loving each other seem so easy that they wonder why they thought it was so hard. It's just amazing to them. Like I said before: it's a kind of peace and reassurance the two haven't felt in ages.


Charlotte is 22 in this book, except for a few chapters at the beginning of this book.

The 13th Doctor is around 2,000+ in this book.

I wanted to try and make this book different to all the others out there, but we all know that that's not possible because of the amount of Doctor Who fanfictions there are in the world. I tried though, and I'm overjoyed with the result.

Ohh, but I made Shawn Mendes a companion for an episode XD. I bet no one's done that before!

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you enjoy it just as much as I do.

Have a great day or night, depending on the timezones.

P.S. Charlotte's birthday is January 1st 1996, sparking some age problems in this book. You'll find she should be 12 when she's 13, but just shh. It's for the plot.

P.P.S. This book isn't all Series 11😏 Time travel exists, so I'm taking advantage of that and creating a really confusing not-so-plotty-twisty plot twist.

This book will be approximately 70+ chapters but under 80. Hopefully. I'm just estimating here! I never considered the chapter part until I had already planned out the plot 😬

So, you guys have a lot of reading to do *finger guns*

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