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Meeting the Thirteenth Doctor
The Woman Who Fell To Earth (Part 1)

Charlotte Khan wasn't like her sisters, no. She was different. She was the eldest sibling in her family at age 22. She didn't want to be a police officer, firefighter or lawyer. She was a singer--a famous one at that--and she was the only one in her entire family who was bisexual.

Coming out to her family was probably the hardest thing Charlotte ever had to do. Although, she was very lucky to have Umbreen as a grandmother, who supported her unconditionally. Even her entire family supported her. What was the hardest thing Charlotte had to do became the happiest decision she had ever made.

Today was the day that the Doctor broke the habit of appearing on Christmas Eve. Today was the day that multiple lives, including Charlotte's, would be changed forever.

And Charlotte had absolutely no idea. She just did what she usually did ever day: sing and compose music.

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down," Charlotte sang as she made gingerbread cookies. She opened a container that contained brown sugar and ate a spoonful of it. She didn't care if it was unhealthy, she loved brown sugar and she was going to eat it regardless.

Charlotte looked away from the gingerbread mixture and at her best friend, Nina Crockett, who had just walked into the kitchen.

"This will end horribly. Please don't burn down the building. It's not your home, so you can't just do anything," Nina said and Charlotte scoffed, throwing a hand full of flour in her face. Her best friend scrunched her face up with disgust. "Charlie, what possessed you to do that?"

"Nothing. I just felt like it." Nina grabbed an egg and smashed it on Charlotte's head, causing the singer to yelp and throw a handful of brown sugar back at her.

After hours of cleaning and throwing food, it was time for Charlotte to head home. She got around through taxis and trains, not wanting to get driven in a limo or a swish car. She just wanted to feel like she was still a normal person, to feel like herself and not some completely different person. Fame changed people no matter what and she was not letting it change her for the worst.

2017 was a busy year for Charlotte. She couldn't keep track of the number of songs she released. She was truly famous now. She and Bill managed to record "Havana" together and the world loved Bill. One day, she just disappeared and no one knew where she went. Charlotte had a feeling that all the Doctor's companions weren't just disappearing; it was something more than that.

Charlotte answered a call from a fellow co-worker, Shawn, who had helped her on multiple occasions when it came to her songs and when she just needed a friend.

"Hey, Shawn," Charlotte greeted as she walked to the train station.

"Hey, Charlie! How're you holding up?" Shawn asked.

"Tired," Charlotte said. "Very tired."

Shawn laughed. "Why do I even bother asking? You always say that to me."

"Yeah, because it's true!" Charlotte widened her eyes in shock as she saw that Bill Potts was calling her. "Oh, I'm getting another phone call. It's really important, so am I able to call you back, Shawn?"

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