✯ E i g h t e e n ✯

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Charlotte thought she was going to wake up back with her Doctor and Yasmin, but she was brought into a war zone instead. People around her were screaming and running for their lives, Daleks were flying everywhere, shooting people and blowing up buildings, and there were even robots walking around and shooting people.

"Sophia, where the hell did you bring me?!" Charlotte yelled at Sophia with a glare that would've melted her on the spot if it was possible.

"It's 2007. This is the day that the Doctor loses Rose. It's what causes him to revisit you. So, it would be best if you didn't interfere," Sophia rushed out, dodging fallen debris. "Everyone will remember you, though they'll probably be surprised. Never mind that though--we need to get inside that building!"

Sophia ran into a towering building that didn't look much safer than the outside, but Charlotte knew that being inside was better than being outside in the open. She sprinted after Sophia, squealing as a car blew up just far enough away from her to be able to avoid harming her. The heat from the blast could be felt from where she was and she quickened her pace so that it didn't burn.

"It's the battle of Canary Wharf. Cybermen are attacking every human being and these four Daleks are trying to open the Genesis Ark," Sophia explained all in one breath.

"Cybermen? What's a Cyberman?" Charlotte demanded. "And why are we here?! This place is a warzone and we're right in the middle of it! We could die in seconds!"

"It's not my fault! Your ridiculous curiosity caused an angel to get inside your mind and it's still not dead so I had to improvise! I swear, you're just like your father."

Charlotte's breath got caught in her throat. Sophia, noticing her slip-up, rushed to correct it.

"I mean your step-father!"

"No, you don't. You know something. Tell me," Charlotte demanded. "If you want me to trust you, especially after this whole stunt you've pulled, then you better tell me."

"I-I can't," Sophia stuttered. Charlotte could see that she wanted to tell her, but something was holding her back. Her eyes flashed with so many emotions: pain, melancholy, fear, worry, hesitation. They were all coming together to make a tornado of conflict.

Charlotte knew there was more. "Do you know my real father?" Charlotte asked softly.

"Yes, I do," Sophia replied. "But I can't tell you who he is, what he is or where he is."

"What he is?" Charlotte questioned.

"He's not human," Sophia said, averting her gaze .

"Wait...Wait, what? Are you definitely saying I'm not human? No doubt about it? As non-human as they come? My mother loved an alien? No way."

"I am deadly serious, Charlotte."

"You will be deleted!" a Cyberman yelled, shooting at the couple but fortunately missing by a long shot. Neither Sophia nor Charlotte had to say anything before they were already sprinting up the stairs to the next level.


"The Doctor's here somewhere!" Sophia said as Charlotte and she continued running up the stairs. Staircase after staircase, they didn't feel any closer to reaching the Doctor.

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