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Helloooo, it is completely unlike me to publish a chapter just to talk with you all, but this is something I want you all to be aware of! It's also really long.

First of all: I'm NOT discontinuing or going on hiatus with this book.


Thank you all for being such wonderfully patient readers. I appreciate your support and loyalty throughout my whole experience writing this book. I'm no longer in the Doctor Who fandom and I'm sure it's noticeable through my lack of proper updates lmao, but I do love this book. I want to do this book justice, which I clearly have not done lately because my past self thought it was a delightful idea NOT to keep track of what was being written in each chapter.

I had originally planned out every chapter of this trilogy but, unfortunately, my mind takes my writing to wild places. I have strayed from my original plan. It is highly frustrating because I got halfway into the next chapter and realised that I had no fucking clue what had been established amongst my characters and what hadn't. I cannot physically write the next chapter because it is such a vital chapter that exposes a lot of important information, but I don't know what information has already been shared.

So, I deeply apologise for this. It is, no doubt, as frustrating for me as it is for all of you right now. I'm sure there are lots of inconsistencies within my book already and bless you all for not saying anything T-T. 

I'm finishing up my very first session of Uni (which I have been enjoying immensely!!) and I technically have four weeks of holidays coming up, which includes my two-week exam period (in which I only have two two-hour exams). So, starting around the fourth of June, I will be reading through every chapter of this book, noting every important plot point mentioned, and making changes where needed. It may take a while or it may take a few days, but I cannot do this currently as I am being swamped with my final assessments.

Once I have finally gotten a grip on what I have done, you'll see the newest chapter finally uploaded!

Thank you all for taking the time to read this <3 This chapter will be deleted once this book has been updated and hopefully, I won't be running into any more issues!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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