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The Ghost Monument (Part 1)
Soon as I publish the chapters for "The Witchfinders" and "It Takes You Away", you guys might just kill me😬 Also, 1k reads!❤️❤️

When Charlotte woke up, the first thing she could hear was the arguing of the Doctor and a man she didn't know.

"Wait, what?" Charlotte exclaimed and cried out with shock as the doors of the pod she was in opened and she tumbled out, face planting on the ground. "Holy shit."

"Language!" the Doctor scolded, helping Charlotte onto her feet before she faced the unknown man who was piloting the ship they were in. "Your MediPods are broken. They're supposed to heal people, not give them a head injury."

"Can you stop insulting my ship? This is one of the best crafts around!" the unknown man exclaimed and the Doctor scoffed.

"Can you stop insulting my ship," she mocked in a high-pitched voice, stomping to the front of the ship. Charlotte watched with her mouth slightly agape. Since when was the Doctor so sassy?

"I'd hate to see the others!" the Doctor added harshly.

"I don't need your help!" the unknown man argued.

"Yes, you do. The power's failing across three sections. This ship is on the verge of total shutdown!"

"How can a planet be in the wrong place? It should've been back there where I scooped you all up. We should be in its gravity belt by now."

"Well, we're not."

"I can see that."

"Hi. I can smell burning," Yasmin said, walking into the room.

"You were right. She is still alive," the unknown man said to the Doctor, who ran to Yasmin and grabbed her arms.

"Yaz, you need to stay locked in the MediPod," the Doctor instructed her before she looked back at the window at the front of the ship and pointed at a planet.

"There! The planet's there!" she pointed out to the unknown man, who stood up and looked at where she pointed.

"How can it be there?" he asked.

"Does it even have a name?"

"Only a symbol. Or a warning. Closest word is...Desolation." The look of horror on the Doctor's face was enough to scare Charlotte. "Right. I can do this. I'm not going to be beaten. Move!" he pushed Yasmin away as he scrambled around the console. He then crouched down and pulled off a piece of metal grating.

"Manual shield activation?" the Doctor questioned. "Wow, this thing should be on Antiques Roadshow." Charlotte snorted.

"Right! Blast shield's up," the unknown man announced, standing up. "Don't know how long they'll last for though."

"Brilliant! We're about to crash-land on Desolation. Real grounds for optimism."

"Do you not understand anything? I can't even get us there because of the fuel I've wasted scooping you up."

"This is going way too quickly for me to understand what's going on," Charlotte said, but her sentence had gone unnoticed. All she could understand was that there was a very high chance everyone in the spaceship might die.

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