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Arachnids in the UK (Part 1)

Charlotte was filled with relief when she found herself inside the TARDIS sickbay. She could hear the voices of the people she travelled with and she smiled when she heard her Doctor's voice.

"Well, she should be up now, so you guys can go," the Doctor said and Charlotte could hear protests from all of them, making her chuckle. She got up and noticed a fresh set of clothes at the end of the bed. She changed as quickly as she could before she walked into the console room.

"I"m awake," Charlotte announced and everyone looked relieved when they saw her. The Doctor scrambled over to her, scanning her with her sonic screwdriver before nodding with satisfaction.

"You're very lucky, Charlotte. I can't even begin to describe just how lucky you are," the Doctor rushed out. Yasmin gave her sister a tight hug.

"Don't scare us like that! We were all so worried about you, Charlie!" Yasmin exclaimed, slapping Charlotte's arm and making her wince.

"Yeah," Graham said. "If you died Ryan won't have any more music to listen to." Ryan looked at him, offended that he would say such a thing.

"Why didn't you tell me what happened? Or how sick you were feeling? You could've died!" the Doctor exclaimed.

"Slow down," Charlotte said with a small smile, wrapping her arms around the Doctor and catching her off-guard. Charlotte pulled away and her smile became a frown. "Did you see anything happen to me while I was unconscious? Anything odd at all?"

"Well, the fact that you're still here is crazy because no one survives a weeping angel that's in their mind! Unless there's a crack in time! Do you know what happened?"

"Maybe we should finally take a look at me," Charlotte said and the Doctor nodded, looking at Ryan, Graham and Yasmin.

"You guys can seriously leave now if you want to," the Doctor told them and Yasmin smirked.

"You just want to get my sister alone, don't you, Doctor?" she teased and the Doctor stared at her with her mouth agape, flustered at her words.

"I knew there was something going on with you two!" Graham said, messing with the Doctor even more. Charlotte giggled, thoroughly enjoying how embarrassed the Time Lady was.

"It's not like that! Baubles is just a very close friend," the Doctor argued quietly, grabbing Charlotte's hand and yanking her into the sickbay with her.

"It almost seems like you do like me," Charlotte teased and the Doctor scoffed lightly, messing with the multiple medical instruments on a cart. She lifted up a needle and Charlotte nearly had a heart attack.

"You're not touching me with that," she said sternly, pointing at the Doctor threateningly. "You are not going anywhere near me with that in your hand."

"Baubles, it won't hurt. I promise you," the Doctor said reassuringly and Charlotte looked at her warily.

"You promise?"

"I promise." Charlotte nodded slowly and sat down on the bed, letting the Doctor step in front of her. The human closed her eyes tightly.

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