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Meeting the Eleventh Doctor

Charlotte Khan was confused.

It had been four years since the Doctor showed her the stars and she didn't feel very certain that he'd come back. She'd grown impatient, therefore making her question if she'd ever see him again. Maybe he got sick of her. Maybe he thought that after he showed her the stars, she'd seen enough.

She really wished that that wasn't true.

Charlotte was seventeen now, and just like all the Christmases before, she waited for her Doctor to appear. She wondered if he'd look different. It seemed likely after he turned up in a different body last time.

"Charlie," fifteen-year-old Yasmin Khan said from her room. "Can you get me a glass of water, please?" She didn't like the dark, even at age fifteen. But it was alright, Charlotte wasn't about to judge her sister for being scared of the dark. She didn't like it much either, especially when the apartment her family lived in creaked during the night.

"Sure, Yazzie," Charlotte said, getting up and filling up a glass with water. She walked to her younger sister's room and handed the glass to her sister, who smiled.

"Thank you, Charlie."

"Don't worry about it, Yazzie." Charlotte walked out of the room and sat in her armchair. She sipped her hot chocolate that she made for herself as she waited, wrapped up in blankets as it was very cold at night.

It was silent in her family's apartment. Charlotte could sometimes hear the tossing and turning of her family members and the creaking of the apartment, but that was all. So, after a few minutes of sitting in the armchair, she could clearly hear the odd whirs of the TARDIS coming from outside. So, he didn't leave her after all!

She smiled excitedly and got up from the armchair, being careful as to not wake up her family. She walked out of her home and then sprinted into the TARDIS, where she came face-to-face with a baby-faced man wearing a bow tie and a doe-eyed woman with shoulder-length brown hair.

"Oh, not again," Charlotte whined. "Another nickname thrown in the bin, baby face."

"Now, that is very offensive," the Doctor said, kissing her on both cheeks, which made her widen her eyes.

"That's very formal. Totally not you," she said. "God, you've changed too much."

"My, my, you've grown!" the Doctor said, pinching her cheeks. She pushed his hands away gently and with a small smile.

"Doctor, who is this?" the woman with brown hair asked him and he turned to face her.

"This is baubles! She's my best friend. Baubles, this is Clara," the Doctor introduced, waving his hands around as he spoke. Charlotte snorted at the sight. He couldn't seem to stop moving his hands when he spoke.

"My name's not baubles. He just calls me that after I pegged a bauble at him when we first met," Charlotte told Clara as they shook hands. "I'm Charlotte. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, too. Have long have you known the Doctor?" Clara asked her.

"Well, he's visited me for two Christmases. So, I'd say around five or six hours? Maybe eight at a push," Charlotte said. "How long have you known him for?"

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