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The Woman Who Fell To Earth (Part 3)

Charlotte hadn't left the Doctor's side once. She hadn't gotten a drink, had a snack or gone to the bathroom. She just stayed by the Doctor's side. Grace placed a hand on her shoulder and gave her a look of concern.

"You've been by her side for long enough. You should get something to eat and drink, love."

Charlotte opened her mouth to say something when the Doctor shot upwards and gasped loudly. She clasped her collarbone. "Ah! Who woke me up? I'm not ready. Still healing. Still..." the Doctor made a noise of disgust. "Can you smell that? No, not smell. Not hear. Feel. Can you feel..." She felt her collarbone and widened her eyes, looking at Ryan slowly. "Stay still, Ryan."

"What is it? What's the matter?" Ryan asked and instead of heading to Ryan, the Doctor pulled back the collar of Charlotte's blouse to reveal the human's collarbone. Charlotte's cheeks flushed furiously and she stuttered as she tried to find something to say. Although, noticing the fear wash over her Doctor's face, she knew that whatever was going on was very serious.

The Doctor exhaled sharply and stepped back. "Show me your collarbones." Everyone revealed their collarbones, which all had a glowing magenta dot implanted in them. Charlotte inhaled sharply. That was not good. Not good at all. At least she figured out what the discomfort was.

"Oh, you've all got them," the Doctor said.

"So have you," Ryan remarked. She looked down at her own collarbone.

"Yeah, I have. Okay. Really sorry. Not good news. DNA bombs." The Doctor said, walking down the line of humans and standing beside Graham before she continued walking behind them all. "Micro-implants which code to your DNA. On detonation, they disrupt the foundation of your genetic code, melting your DNA. Fast, and nasty and outlawed in every civilised galaxy." She looked at Charlotte's implant again.

"How did we get them?" Ryan asked the Doctor.

"Never mind that, are they going to go off?" Graham asked.

"Better yet, how the Hell did this creature get DNA bombs if they're outlawed in every civilised galaxy?" Charlotte asked the Doctor and the Time Lady sighed, giving her a look.

"Quiet, I'm trying to think. It's difficult," the Doctor told everyone, stepping away from Charlotte. "I'm not yet who I am. Brain and body still rebooting. Reformatting." The Doctor gasped with realisation as she looked at Ryan's phone. "Oh, reformatting!" She pointed to the phone and walked over to it. "Can I borrow that?"

"Yeah, I guess so, but what for?" Ryan asked her as she picked the phone up.

"That creature. On that train. When you two came onboard, it zapped us all with these. Simple plan to take out witnesses. Very clever. Merciless, but clever." The Doctor looked at everyone. "I reformatted your phone," she told Ryan and Charlotte snorted.

"No! All my stuff's on there," Ryan exclaimed.

"Not anymore!" the Doctor replied joyously, bringing the end of the phone to her neck. She was launched backwards and into the wall, falling to her knees. From the floor, she looked up at everyone.

"That nap did me the world of good. Very comfy sofa," she told them all and Charlotte gaped at her. She was unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable.

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