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The Tsuranga Conundrum (Part 2)
I wanted to say this at the top because this is extremely important!! I read through some comments at the beginning of this book and I was overjoyed. The amount of support and theories I received at the beginning was INCREDIBLE and I just want to say that you guys are absolutely amazing and I appreciate you all so much <3 It honestly made me SO happy to see you all getting invested in this book, especially during such a hard time in my life <3 it makes me feel so much better!

Charlotte pinched her arm, hoping that she could wake up from whatever dream she was experiencing but, once she did that, the scene changed drastically. She had been frozen in her place, unable to move on her own accord, and she was watching another version of herself, who was surrounded by what looked like thousands of weeping angels.

"Angel Bob, I presume?" the fake Charlotte asked with a smug smile.

The scene changed once more to a fight between the angels and team TARDIS. It didn't look like the latter were winning at all and the fake Charlotte turned to the Doctor with a knowing look, which seemed to make her panic.

"Charlotte, don't even think about it!"

The scene changed one last time to show the fake Charlotte lying dead in a pool of her own blood with the Doctor crying over her body.

Charlotte awoke with a start, being ripped away from the nightmare she was experiencing. She looked around at where she was to discover that she was in what looked like a hospital room. No one was in the room with her.

"What was that...?" she breathed out shakily, clutching her chest as her heart beat erratically. Did I just witness my death...?

"No." Charlotte quickly shot down the thought. "It's not possible. It's just a nightmare."

The building shook violently and she clutched onto the chair she was sitting on. This isn't a building...is it?

She pushed herself off the chair and gasped with shock as a sharp pain from her stomach area brought her down onto her knees. It was at that moment that she remembered what had happened before she awoke. The sonic mine had taken her and everyone else out.

They must be on this ship with me then.

Charlotte slowly stood up and nearly fell once more when she saw gold energy ripple over her skin but she managed to steady herself once more. "What the hell?" she muttered. "Is this my energy...?" There was no other explanation, she knew that.

She made her way out of the room cautiously so she didn't hurt herself even more. She could tell that there was something wrong with the ship by the amount of commotion that was going on. Amongst the noise though, was the Doctor's voice calling out for a guy named Astos.

"Doctor?! Yasmin?!" Charlotte yelled.

"Charlie?!" Yasmin called, soon appearing at her side with Graham and Ryan.

"What's going on?" Charlotte demanded. "The whole ship is in a state of panic."

"Well, you wouldn't believe it, but there's a small creature destroying the ship," Graham answered for her.

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