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The Woman Who Fell To Earth (Part 2)
High school's back! Which means stuffed up schedules! Expect publishing to be completely out of whack!

Charlotte Khan sat on the floor against the wall with the help of her sister. "Can you stop, please?" she begged Yasmin. "I'm not in the mood to be touched and fussed over." She began to take deep shaky breaths as the adrenaline started to leave her body. Her whole body ached with every movement and her collarbone felt highly uncomfortable. It was like there was something under the skin but, when she pressed down, there was no sign of anything foreign being inside her.

The Doctor looked at her with pursed lips. She was trying to remember the woman and she was sure that the bow she wore was the key. She stared at the accessory for a minute before she let out a frustrated groan when nothing came up. All she could do was try and figure a way out of the current situation.

"You four, relax, but stay put. I'll check the rest of the train," she informed the middle-aged woman and her husband, the grandson, and Charlotte.

The Doctor strode past Yasmin and the grandson. "Fat lot of use you two were."

"Hey!" Yasmin exclaimed, following her. The grandson followed after Yasmin.

"Are you alright, love?" the middle-aged woman asked, crouching in front of Charlotte.

Charlotte looked up and rubbed her aching eyes harshly. "What's your name?" she asked her.

"Grace O'Brien. That's my husband, Graham," Grace replied, pointing to Graham. He waved.

"Grace, that woman that crashed through the roof, I know her and she doesn't know me. She's been the one to show me impossible things and prove just how possible they are. She never looked through me--she saw my worth--and now she just...looks right through me," Charlotte explained, tilting her head back to rest it against the door and letting out a weak laugh. "I'm trying not to lose my mind over it."

"I don't want to sound like an overly optimistic person..." Grace said, stopping herself because she didn't know Charlotte's name.

"Charlotte Khan."

"Like the singer?" Graham asked and Grace shushed him. Charlotte snorted.

"...Charlotte," Grace continued. "But I think if I crashed through a train, I'd have a bad case of amnesia. So, I think, after a while, she'll remember you, love. You just gotta be patient."

Charlotte smiled. "Thank you, Grace," she said sincerely. She knew that it was highly likely that the Doctor would struggle to remember anything as while she fell into a train, she had also recently regenerated. There was still hope.

"Are you that singer? My grandson's obsessed with you," Graham said and she laughed under her breath.

"Yes, I'm 'that' singer. Was your grandson with my sister just now?"

"Yep, that's him. Ryan." There was a short-lived silence before he spoke again. "I'm sorry, but can I get an autograph?"

She laughed loudly this time. "Of course, Graham. No need to apologise." She got up and signed the back of a small photo of Ryan. She patted Graham on the shoulder just as the lights turned back on.

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