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The Woman Who Fell To Earth (Part 4)
Feel free to remind me to update! It helps get me motivated and keep myself on track! :) I still might be a little slow with the updating though: the further I get into the term, the closer I get to my assignment deadlines, therefore the busier I get :(

When Charlotte woke up, she was met with the confused hazel eyes of the Doctor. She groaned and flinched when the Doctor turned her sonic on and scanned her.

"It seems that when she's awake, the energy's not dormant anymore," the Doctor said to Grace before she looked back at her sonic and widened her eyes. "Oh...that can't be true! For all I know...Oh, false alarm! It's just my regeneration energy. Phew! I thought you were a Gallifreyan for a second there, Charlotte. It seems that my regeneration energy disintegrated the DNA bomb in your collarbone. That's all...How did you manage to gain my regeneration energy?"

"When you were unconscious," Charlotte replied, sitting up and rubbing her pounding head. "Your regeneration energy was absorbed by my body."

"Oh," the Doctor said dumbly. "That makes sense and doesn't at the same time. Well, anyway, we needed you to wake up because we can't leave you behind. We're all going to get the two creatures off Earth and away from each other."

"Alright," Charlotte said simply, getting help from Grace so she could stand up without falling.

"This situation is far from alright," Ryan said and she shrugged.

"I've been dreaming of this ever since she barged into my house twelve years ago. Despite what had happened, and despite how frightening it is, I think it's awesome. I just don't want to sound like an adrenaline junkie."

"I've known you for twelve years?" the Doctor asked Charlotte, who shook her head.

"No, no. You've only known me for a few hours or so," she said and the Doctor furrowed her eyebrows.

"I need my memories to come back because I have absolutely no idea what you mean."

"Look, at this point, I don't think you will remember," Charlotte said quietly. "Let's just get the two aliens out of this galaxy and I'll explain everything to you."

"Okay," the Doctor replied just as quietly as her, noticing the look of melancholy in Charlotte's eyes.

The fam all stood together, each holding something that would help defeat the sparking ball of cables. Charlotte, on the other hand, was hiding behind a metal box which she didn't know the name of. It was big enough to be a decent hiding spot for a human being, so she didn't really care if she didn't know what it was or not. The Doctor had asked her to stay away from all the action since Charlotte was still a little dizzy and she wasn't complaining about that either.

She could hear loud crackling and the Doctor yelling before the creature was temporarily "killed".  She stayed where she was, suddenly overcome with a wave of nausea.

As the Doctor and the rest of the group talked about the pile of Gathering Coils, Charlotte was about to call for the Doctor, but she was gripped tightly by the bicep and dragged out of her hiding spot. She felt cold, very cold, but then there was warmth. Her whole body was enveloped in glowing gold energy—the Doctor's regenerative energy. Or at least, that's what she assumed it was.

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