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The Parting of Ways (Part 1)
Here's the not so plotty-twisty plot twist XD Charlotte will be time-travelling to different Doctors a lot. So, yeah. I hope you guys don't mind. I tried to cull the amount of time-travelling she does so that there's still quite a frequent amount of Thaubles.


Once Charlotte came to, she expected to see the Doctor but was instead greeted with the sight of a fair-skinned woman with shoulder-length brown hair and brown eyes speckled with gold looking down at her.

"Hello, Charlotte! My apologies, I got the calculations a bit wrong. Guess I got too excited. I've been looking forward to this very moment to whisk you away," the woman explained as she helped Charlotte sit up. "My name's Sophianihituphua." She laughed when she saw Charlotte's unamused face.

"I lied!" the woman said. "My name's Sophia. Lighten up, dal."

"Lighten up?" Charlotte exclaimed. "I've been kidnapped by a crazy lady!"

"Well, you're one to talk. You're travelling with a crazy lady!" Sophia argued.

"How do you know that?" Charlotte asked sceptically. The lady snorted when she didn't hear Charlotte deny anything. It was more like she agreed with her.

"I've been watching you your entire life, protecting you under your parents' orders," Sophia explained.

"My parents?"

"Yes. They're very much alive."

"They're alive? Of course, they're alive—what?!"

"Yes, are you alright? Did you get a concussion?" Sophia asked, cocking her head to the side.

"I'm fine! I'm just very confused as to why my mum and dad would...would send a crazy woman to protect me. They don't stand for that stuff and my...stepfather is obsessed with conspiracies. I don't even need protecting," Charlotte said. "My parents would never have someone protect me! And from what?"

"Oh...I got you too early. That's my mistake. Or maybe I got you just a little too early," Sophia rambled. "Wait. Maybe I got you just in time. I have no idea! I'm a little rusty. Just ignore what I said, Charlotte."

"Why am I here?" Charlotte asked, knowing she would get no information out of Sophia regarding the topic of her parents.

"I'll explain that and the rules right now," Sophia replied. "Don't worry. This will probably be the most stressful, upsetting, infuriating, and wonderful journey of your life. A journey of getting to know the Doctor."

"There are rules that come with this sort of thing, so I need you to listen very closely. The first rule is that there should be no sharing of the future, which includes anything about your current Doctor or any information about the adventures you've been on. The second rule is that you should, at all costs, refuse to alter the timeline or save anyone from dying. Upon meeting the Doctor, you'll tell him you're from the future--that you travel with a future Doctor. He will know what to get you involved in and what not to. Only listen to him. You following so far?" Sophia explained. She only continued once a wildly confused Charlotte nodded.

"He'll remember every detail of your adventures together, so you won't need to worry about explaining yourself to him after this encounter. Just be sure never to tell your current Doctor about your trips because she isn't supposed to know."

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