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Journey's End (Part Two)
Thinking about changing a few things about the whole timeline jumping for Charlotte because I feel like it doesn't entirely make sense to me, so I'll start doing that once this chapter is complete. I'll still be updating this book though while I do that--just keep track of any updates and have a re-read if you'd like ^-^ I'll also have a read through the entire book to make sure that everything is still accurate to the plot that I've developed because I haven't been keeping track and I'm really regretting it T-T

"It's starting, Doctor," Charlotte warned the man, who only grinned widely.

"Ready? Maximum power!" he cried, flipping a switch before the TARDIS started shaking widely as it materialised in the Dalek ship. The Doctor ran to the doors and opened them with the weapon in hand. He sprinted out without any warning and both women looked at each other as they heard something that sounded a lot like sparks followed by the clatter of metal. Donna sprinted out and Charlotte followed, being greeted with the sight of a whole group of people, including the original Doctor. 

"The calvary has arrived," she breathed out, squealing as a wrinkly man sitting in a Dalek shell aimed some sort of blue lightning towards her and Donna. She was too slow in her attempt to dodge the shot and flew back as it hit her and Donna also. The weapon that was in Donna's hands was dropped once more.

"Donna! Charlotte! Are you both alright?!" the original Doctor cried. Charlotte felt like her insides had been fried, but somehow she was still living and breathing as if nothing had happened. It must've been some sort of weapon that stunned people, not killed them. Thank God for that.

"Just fine and dandy," Charlotte replied, sitting up just in time to see the weapon blasted into pieces. She winced at the sight, being slightly blinded by the bright light. 

"I was wrong about your warriors, Doctor," the wrinkly man spoke tauntingly, approaching the original Doctor. "They are pathetic!"

"Yikes," Charlotte muttered as Donna slowly approached her on the ground. "He's full of compliments, isn't he?"

"That's Davros for you," Donna replied with a grin. "Wanna help me with something?"

"Detonation in 20 rels!"

"Oh, you bet I do," she responded with a matching grin. Both women hurried to the centre console and Charlotte listened to every instruction Donna gave her so that they could stop the Reality Bomb. Just when there was one second left, Donna pulled a lever and the entire Bomb shut down.

"Closing all Z-Neutrino relay loops using an internalised synchronous back-feed reversal loop," Donna explained for every confused face that started at both her and Charlotte. 

"I have no idea what that means!" Charlotte said with a laugh.

"System in shutdown!" the Daleks cried. "Detonation negative!"

"Donna, you can't even change a plug! And Baubles, you use Baubles as weapons!" the original Doctor exclaimed. 

"D'you want to bet, Time Boy?" Donna retorted. Charlotte only glared at the Doctor, who looked at her knowingly.

"You'll suffer for this!" Davros cried, pointing a hand to the women. Donna only shrugged and flipped a switch, leading to the man electrocuting himself instead of them. Charlotte looked at the redhead with a proud grin.

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