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Meeting the Ninth Doctor
Here we go! First chapter!

Charlotte Khan loved Christmas. Ever since she could walk and talk, she would try to stay awake during the night so she could try and see Santa. Every year, for nine years, she would always fall asleep.

But not this night. She was going to stay awake for the entire night until she saw Santa. She wanted to be the first child on Earth to see him, then she'd feel special.

As Charlotte sat on the armchair in her living room, she was busy thinking about what he'd look like and what she'd say. She'd probably apologise for eating the cookies and drinking the milk five years ago.

He'd smell like candy and have a long white beard. His shoulders would be sprinkled with snow and he'd be wearing a red suit paired with big black boots. She smiled giddily. Tonight was the night. She was going to see Santa.

"Why, hello there!" a man said with a wide smile as he burst through the front door. Charlotte panicked and grabbed a bauble from the Christmas tree and pegged it at the man, hiding behind the Christmas tree as it hit him.

"That hurt!" the man exclaimed, looking down at the shattered ornament on the floor. When he looked back up, he gave her a reassuring smile when he noticed that Charlotte was hiding behind the tree.

"Are you Santa?" she asked timidly and the man smiled wider.

"Nope," he replied, popping the 'p'.


"Oh? What's the "oh" for?" the man asked incredulously.

"I'm staying up so I can see him," Charlotte said, poking her head out. She was slowly trusting him. If he wanted to kidnap her, he would've done it already.

"Can you tell me your name?" the man asked her and she smiled sheepishly.

"Only if you tell me yours first."

"Only if you come out from behind the tree and have cookies with me."

"But those are Santa's!" Charlotte whispered harshly. "I already ate the cookies once. He won't be happy if I eat them again."

The man smiled widely. "Oh, really? What a daredevil of a child you are." He didn't have the heart to tell her that Santa wasn't real.

"My name's Charlotte Khan," Charlotte answered his previous question and came out of her hiding spot. She sat down on the armchair she sat on before and took a cookie from the plate. The man had already eaten two, so she just decided to eat them as well.

"I'm the Doctor," the man answered her question.

"Really? What are you a Doctor of? Are you a paedophile?"

"Please tell me that you meant paediatrician," the Doctor said with wide eyes.

"That's the word!" Charlotte said in confirmation. "Yeah!"

The Doctor let out a sigh of relief. He was not about to ask how she knew that word. "I'm a Doctor of intestinal parasites, baubles."

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