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Y/N's POV:

Moxxie started walking towards this weird pig thing. He jumped on it and wrapped the rope around its neck. I had hope because Moxxie started really well but when he wanted to stab it with a knife he couldn't hurt it one bit.

The pig began to make strange noises and went wild with Moxxie on it.
I saw Lonna film this situation and Blitzø supported her in doing so.
"Oh shit." I said out loud. "Look and learn doll." Striker said to me and rushed to Moxxie and the animal.

He pushed Moxxie off the pig and took his knife and killed it quite easily. 'Well that was rough.' I thought to myself. "Oh, my clavicle." Said Moxxie in pain. Striker stepped in front of him with a dead pig on his shoulder. "Don't worry little one. You never stood a chance." He said in a deep voice and smiled with his sharp teeths.

Striker came up to me and bend down a little because of my height "Did you enjoy the view~." He asked me and smirked. "Yeah yeah, whatever." I said sarcastically and blushed a little.

"Hey boss man, you want to help the men skin this thing for dinner." Striker asked Blitzø who of course was down for it. Then all of them went inside the house.

I rolled my eyes and helped Millie lift Moxxie off the ground. Millie comforted him and told him he doesn't need to attend the games. But Moxxie still insisted.

The three of us went to the house together. When we entered, the house was quite large from the inside. And of course quite beautiful. I saw that there were two floors because there were stairs for upstairs. "Y/N and Loona come with me, I'll show you where you two will sleep." Millie's mom said kindly. I nodded and Loona came up to me still on her phone. 'Jeez what does she watch on this thing all the time'.

We followed Lin and she showed us our rooms. "Loona you will sleep in this room and Y/N you have a room right at the end of the hallway." Millie's mom told us. "Wait? Each will have its own room?" I asked a little shocked. "Yeah of course, our house has a huge number of guest rooms. Make you self comfortable girls" she smiled at us and walked down the stairs.

"Wow, these people are total freaks." Loona said and stepped into her room.
i shrugged and walked down the hall to see how my room looks.

When I was quite close to my room I ran into someone. "Oh, watch it doll.~"
I recognized the voice and it was Striker. "Oh uhh, sorry." I said and tried to get to my room. "Where are you going?" he asked me and grabbed my arm. I looked at him annoyingly
"Well I'm getting ready for tomorrow's competition, so when i win i want to see your sad ass crying." I told him and smirked. "Do you think that you can win? Ha. I'd like to see you try." He said and came closer to me. "Yeah, and i will-" I couldn't finish the sentence because he pinned me against the wall.

"You will what doll~?" He said more in seductive way. I tried to speak but nothing came out of my mouth. "I-I uhh-" i was totally nervous. "Hmm? Why are you suddenly speechless?"  Striker teased. I blushed hevily.

Then he lifted my chin and said "I don't know why but you're attractive. We'll see what comes out of this." He said and smirked.

He let go of the wall. "If you have nothing else to say, I'll go to the kitchen to help with dinner. You can join me if you want." He winked at me and walked down the stairs.

I was still standing by the wall as I was still shocked at what just happened.
I knew i was red in the face. I ran to my room and closed the door behind me.

When I tried to forget about the thing that happened out there in the hallway I looked around the room. There was a large closet in the room and next to the closet was another door leading to the bathroom. At the side, was a bed with red pillows and a blanket. Above the bed, was a window on which were some sort of flowers placed on.

Room was pretty comfortably decorated. I think i will enjoy here.
I almost forgot to call my grandma so I took my phone out of my pocket and called her how I was doing.


Ooop, told ya. 0///0

Another chapter is done everyone.
Thank you so much for voting my book. I really appreciate it!!

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