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Y/N's POV:

When I finished talking to my grandma on the phone I went down the stairs. I noticed Millie and Moxxie talking so I walked over to them. "Yo Millie, these rooms are amazing. I can’t believe everyone will have their own room." I said in a excitement.
"Well i'm glad that you like it." She said back and smiled.

I looked over to Moxxie and saw on his face that he was upset. "Mox come on, that bullshit earlier didn't meant nothing." I told him and putted my hands on his shoulders for comfort. "Yes it did. Now everyone think i'm weak." He looked away from me.

"Hey, i think you might be hungry honey. Let's go to the kitchen, shall we." Millie said to Moxxie and kissed his cheek. They held hands and Millie led him to the kitchen and i followed them.

We entered the huge kitchen. I saw Blitzø talking to Joe about something. I think about tomorrow's games. Next to them, was Lin Millie's mom who had been cooking that animal from before in a large pot.

But I didn't see Striker anywhere. He said he would be in the kitchen.
"Oh great, dinner is ready so you can sit down at the table." Millie's mom said when she saw us.

Loona came to the kitchen just in time. "Lonny come sit next to daddy." Lonna muttered something in annoyance and sat down next to Blitzø. He made those cute eyes every time he sees Lonna. I just smiled at them and sat next to Moxxie.

Millie’s dad set the pot on the table and handed out food to everyone. It really smelled delicious. Everyone has already started eating. I, on the other hand, was still a little curious about where Striker was. "Sooo, where's that cowboy guy?" I asked and all of a sudden he spoke behind me "Miss me already~?" I yelped by almost throwing my plate of food off the table.

"Easy little lady, don't need to react like that." Striker said and sat next to me. I turned to others and they were all just staring at me. "What? He scared me." I pointed at Striker. Everyone laughed and continued to eat dinner.
I blushed in embarrassment.

~time skip after dinner~

I helped clean the dishes as there were quite a few even though Millie’s mom said she could clean them herself. But I'm just nice, if you believe me.

When we finished she thanked me and we both left the kitchen. It was already quite dark outside. "All right everyone, time for bed." said Joe. "The fuck? It's not even 9pm. My ass isn't tired yet" Said Blitzø and pointed at the clock in the living room. "You all need to rest because a busy day awaits you tomorrow." Said Lin in a country accent.

We all went upstairs only Millie's parents stayed downstairs. Moxxie was already yawning and opened the door to his and wife's room.
We all said good night to each other and we went to our rooms

Before I stepped in I looked at Striker who had already opened the door of his room and before he stepped in he looked at me and gave me a sweet smile. I blushed at this. It was a completely different smile than he had all day. It was quite nice.

When I got to my room I wasn’t even a little sleepy. I decided to go in the hot shower if it would put me to sleep a little.

When i was done i put on my pajamas and lay down on the bed. The bed was quite comfortable. Even more than at the home. I closed my eyes and after a while fell asleep.


The next chapter will be about the games at the festival. So be ready!

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