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Y/N's POV:

"Havin' fun with your little friend  there?" The voice asked me on the phone. I immediately stepped away from Blitzø as I didn’t want him to recognize the voice.

"Shit- om Blitz can I- ehh excuse me for a sec." I told him and gave him a fake smile. "Oh yeah sure sure." He nodded. Then I walked out of the office quickly that I almost stumbled.

I closed the door behind me and hurried to down of the hallway so Blitzø wouldn't hear anything.

"Striker what the FUCK was that?" I whispered yelled at my phone. "You know that Blitzø was quite close to me and he could recognize your voice- wait. Are you stalking me? Where the fuck are you?" I asked him and my hands trembled a little.

"Huh. I'm glad you had your mouth paused for not mentioning our plan sweetie." He chuckled. "And you don't have to know where I am. More important is that you make your task successfully not that you're already want to fuck someone else."

"Fuck someone else? What is your problem." I said in a angry tone. "I'm trying to get your fucking rifle. But your stupid ass keeps bothering me from doing so." I told him.

"You better get it. It’s not just some kind of ordinary weapon." Striker's voice said through the phone. "I know that. Gosh." I sighed.

"And actually, what if I wanted to fuck  someone else. More specifically with Blitz. He seems really fine, don't ya think~?" I said and smirked at myself.

"Don't play games with me. Now go and-" I interrupted. "What games? I thought you didn't care. Why would you now if someone else is touching me~." I teased him. "Listen here, i'm not in a mood for that kind of a shit." He said and i could hear his snake sound. "Too bad for ya buddy." I laughed.

"Now if you excuse me i have some things to do." I told him in a sassy tone.
"Yeah that thing is to get the rifle." He said back. "Mhm. We will see~." I said and and before he could say anything i hung up.

"That dick head." I said under my breath and started walking back to the office.

"Hey umm sorry for that. I ehh had one important business call." I apologized to Blitzø who was already sitting at his desk. "No problem." He smiled and started browsing something through his drawers.

"So Y/N how's job?" He asked me, still looking for something. "Meh it's fine.  I still have two days free so i'm good." I said and started walking closer to his desk.

"What about your big titty boss?" He asked and laughed a little. "She's on a some kind of business trip." I told him. "I still wonder how her back doesn't hurt yet. Does this size even exist?." I scratched my head. "Well, we can check." Blitzø chuckled and i laughed at his comment.

"Oh come on! Where the fuck are you!?" Blitzø was looking for something under his desk. I looked at him confused. "What'cha looking for?" I asked.

"AHA! Found it!" He said happily and before he wanted to get up he hit his head on the table. "Ouch! Son of a bitch!" He yelled. Then he stood up and held his head.

"You dumbass, be more careful." I laughed at him. "Hey that's not funny you bitch. I'm in pain." He looked at me and i could see a small smile appeare on his face.

"So what did you find down there." I asked him and crossed my arms.

"Well. I've made for you this little guy."
In his palm he showed me a small figure of a pink painted horse. "Aww it is so cute!" I said with a sparks in my eyes.

"He is a HE not IT." He told me and
raised an eyebrow. "He's stunning." I corrected myself and smiled softly at him.

He smiled back and a little blush appeared on his face. I took the horse from his hand and looked at him closer.

"Thanks Blitz. Why did you made one for me?" I asked him, still admiring the little pinky horse.

"Well I- you see- ehh I wanted to gave you him because i think you're-" He became very nervous all of a sudden. "You think I'm what?" I asked and looked at him.

"Nothing. Just. I-I just gave it to you just like that. No special reason." Then he scratched the back of his neck and looked away.
"Oh, okey then. Thank you again." I thanked.

I wanted to put the horse in my pocket but all of a sudden "DON'T." Blitzø climbed on the table so he was very close to my face. "Be careful with him. He is very sensitive." He told me.

I looked at him with wide eyes as I was frightened by his fast movement. "Oh right. I'll remeber that." I said.

Blitzø was still quite close to me. We watched each other like that for a few seconds. Then I smelled his cologne. Oh lord, it smelled so good.

I smiled a little then Blitzø smirked and said "Why are you looking at me like that hmm~?" He asked and came even closer to my face.

"W-what?" I shook my head to get out of my trance. "Nothing. Just omm-"

Then he stepped to the floor from the table.

He pulled me by the arm closer to him so our bodies were close together. He put his hand on my right cheek and stroked me lightly with his finger.
My heart was pounding like crazy. My face became warm.

"How long can you stay here~?" Blitzø asked me and i could feel his hot breath on my face. "I-I omm why are you asking this?" I asked in a shaky voice.

He licked his lips "I'd like to take time with you~."


New chapter for you my babes!
Hope you like it!

Now i need to take a pee.

Seeya in a next part!!♡♡♡

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