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Y/N's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes. My vision was blurry. I wanted to move, but it was impossible. When I took a closer look I noticed that I was tied to a chair with strong ropes around.

I tried to move when all of a sudden a light shone in my face.

"Finally awake huh, little one. Your partners have been for a while now. " It was again this woman who caught us. I noticed that Blitzø and Moxxie were also tied to the chairs behind me.

"Not too close with that face of yours." I glared at the woman. "You also can't be quiet, huh?" She stared me.

"Look shit bag, it takes a lot to keep me down all right. I took a fuck ton of tranquilizers in the college I dropped out of also i haven't strapped nipple first to a car battery." Then the man came and shone a another light into Blitzø's face.

"Tell us demon scum. Who do you work for? Satan?" The man questioned.

"How did you get to our world from the afterlife?" The woman added.

"Why are you killing humans?"

"When did you show up here?"

I rolled my eyes of so many stupid questions. "Okey, i'm gonna stop you right there bitch. First of all we just woke up from a very nasty shock and i'm still feeling fucking woozy so i'm gonna request you to fetch us some coffee before we get into this. Well I want something iced. Y/N, Mox?"

"I'll have (choose the coffee of your choice, if you don't drink it just skip)"

"And i'll have a neapolitan cappuccino more captain chino. Make sure it's got no more than four ounces of milk the beans won't have the right texture otherwise. And make sure they spill my name correctly on the cup, they always put Foxy or Roxy, i hate that."

Moxxie continued to order his coffee. Yeah when it comes to coffee, he is very accurate.

"ENOUGH!" The man yelled so Moxxie fell silent.
"Wow, i was getting massive douche chills just there Mox, congrats." Blitzø chuckled.

The woman came closer to Moxxie's face with a serious look. "If we have to, we are willing to resort to torture methods to get answers out of you nasty hell beasts!"

Moxxie raised an eyebrow at her. "When you say tortured you mean physical or psychological? Physical seems counterproductive, we would likely tell you anything if it meant an end to the pain and you would have no way of knowing what was true."

"Or we might like it too much and then you got a whole new thing to deal with." Blitzø said.

"What do you mean by that?" The man looked at him confused.
"Oh you're stupid huh? I could work with stupid daddy likey dummy." Blitzø joked and a big smirk appeared on his face.

Both agents looked at us disgustingly as we started laughing and making fun of them.

"Hey aren't we gonna get our phone call bitch?" Blitzø asked. "Well that entirely depends, who're you gonna call? Hmm?" Man chuckled.

"Your fat mom, faking her for a fat time!" Blitzø spat back.

"Nice try demon, his fat mom is dead!" The woman yelled and the man beside her started to cry.

"Stop insulting my mother! She's dead!" Man cried out and Blitzø showed him his tongue.

"Okey hey, let's leave them here until they feel like talking." Both agents left the room where we were now locked up and tied up together.

I started trying to get out of the ropes but it was impossible. "Don't worry Mox and Y/N, if we keep being obnoxious they'll eventually slip up and we'll get a chance to get out, just keep fucking with them." Blitzø told us.

"Yeah sure but I don't think they'll give up that easily. Look at this place. They must have been preparing to catch us for a long time now." I said.

"Y/N's right. Fuck. I'm so worried about Millie she'll be on her way by now. I'm sure." Moxxie said, worried.

"She'll be fine Moxxie, it would take a ride it up hippo to take down that woman when she's upset." Blitzø told him.

"We're never dealt with the human government before. She's in danger." Moxxie said back.

"Do you ever honestly shut up about Millie!" Blitzø yelled at him.
"Blitz, stop." I said to him. Then I started to notice some weird green gas coming into the room.

"No seriously, it's always like oh, how's Millie, i can't tonight, i'm hanging with Millie, i'm so worried about Millie and she's always 5 fucking feet away from you. It's pathetic."

"That was oddly personal." Moxxie told.

"Yeah you're right, i don't know why the fuck I just let my gut spill like that."

"Guys, they're filling this room with something." I told.

"Fuck. What the hell is this?" Blitzø sniffed.

"Mox, would you know what is this?" I asked. "I think it's some kind of airborne truth-telling syrup!" he explained.

"Oh you just guessed that's what it is?"

"Well, just one of you ask me something specific i wouldn't normally tell you." Moxxie told us.

"Okey umm, does Millie ever peg you?" Blitzø questioned.

"Sometimes~ WAIT! Ew fuck! Why that?!" Moxxie looked at Blitzo shocked by the question.
"Oh my." I tried not to laugh.

"Hah, i knew it." Blitzø chuckled.

"Well your suit is tacky- fuck, i'm sorry."
Moxxie intensely regretted what he just said to his boss.

Blitzø gasped dramatically
"How fucking dear you! You have a shitty taste in music- oh i'm sorry." now he regretted it.

"Shit taste? You said you like that musical i recommend it to you." Moxxie got teary eyes.

"I lied! I left halfway through."

"Y-you said you loved it." Moxxie cried out.
"It was awful Moxxie, it was about ugly, horny cat." Both of them started to cry like two little boys.

"Guys please, can we focus on-" Then Blitzø cut me off.
"Oh shut up you traitor!"

I got wide eyes when he said that. "W-what?" I said in shaky voice.

"Sir what was that for?" Moxxie still sobbed a little.

"Huh? Oh shit sorry I-"

I was left speechless and hurt.

"Y/N, i didn't mean it I um-"

And with that everything became quiet. Too quiet.
I looked around me and noticed that I was no longer in the room where I had been before. Where the hell am I?

Am I hallucinating?


The next will be Chapter 40??!! Which doesn't mean the story is over.

Hope you enjoyed this one!
Seeya in the next chapter!♡♡♡

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