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Y/N's POV:

I came home with a heavy head. I heard the sound of television in the living room. I stepped inside and noticed my grandma who immediately turned her gaze to me.

"Oh you finally came. So tell me, how was it?" She smiled at me.

"It was um... it was great." I answered.

She stared at me, waiting for me to say something more about my night in Lust.

"That's it?" She asked.

I nodded "Yep, that's it guess." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Dear, is everything alright, you seem a bit-"

"Tired, i know. It was a long day." I finished her sentence myself.

"I understand, now come here, let's watch something together."

I softly smiled and sat down next to her.
"So what shall we watch?" I asked and searched for a movie.

~time skip~

My grandma wanted to watch horror movie which surprised me as she usually watches these romantic shit.
But for only half an hour of the film, Grandma was already sound asleep on the couch.

I sighed and went upstairs to change my clothes to more comfortable ones.
I walked back down the stairs back to the living room.

I sat back down and looked at my phone. I noticed one missed call.

It was from Striker.

I didn’t intend to call him back at all but I noticed he left me a message. I rolled my eyes and put the phone closer to me to make it easier to hear the message.

Then i listened to his words.

*"Howdy darlin', I-.....,
I hope you came home safe.
I know you're upset, and that you will not believe the words I will tell you but please listen to me.................[chapter 61]*

I was speechless. What I just heard was something so attached to my heart.
So lovely to hear.

I regret what I did to him. I should have listened to him, not some whore ass mouth, by that i mean Verosika.
I need to call him before it's too late.

Suddenly, I heard a loud noise coming from the backyard. I went to take a look.
When i walked into the kitchen where the back door was the whole room was lit up because something was standing outside the backyard.

I looked closely and saw Bombproof.

Wait. If the horse is here then that means.......

Then i heard a knock on the kitchen door. I slowly walked to it and opened the door.

I got sparkles in my eyes when I saw these gorgeous yellow eyes looking into mine.

"Striker...." i breathed out.

"I came back for you because we can't end this like that. Please, i- I'll explain everything, the truth-"
I cut him off.

"You already did." I responded.

"You um...you got my massage?"

I slowly nodded at him.
I took his hand and pressed it against me. "I'm sorry." I kissed it, looking away from him.

"Hm? Why are you apologizing?" He asked.

"For not believing you. For not trusting you. I- I ruined your night." I sobbed.

"Sugar." He lifted my chin to look at him. "You didn't ruin it, you never would." He came closer to my face.
"Believe me, you've made these last few days so beautiful that I can't even describe to you how honored I am to have spent them with you." He kissed my cheek.

~Doll~ Striker x readerWhere stories live. Discover now