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Y/N's POV:

I sat for a bit with Striker on the couch and turned on some TV to watch. He is very annoying when he's drunk but he was unexpectedly quiet now.

I started closing my eyes as I became more and more sleepy.
Then I felt the tail wrap around mine and Striker pressed me closer to him.

I looked at him up and his eyes were closed. His breathes were slow and he looked so peaceful.
I smiled a bit and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Are you warm enough, love?"

"Yeah actually." I smiled a little.
"Do you feel any be-" all of a sudden, he put his hand on his mouth as if he would puke at any moment now and quickly got up from the couch and ran out of the living room.

"Striker?" I followed him and heard him vomiting in the bathroom. I sighed and went to check him.

He was lying next to a toilet bowl. "Yeah, i don't think that I'm feeling well~" a little chuckle escaped his mouth.

"Ya think?" I crossed my arms. "C'mon let's clean you up." I said and walked towards him.
I helped him up so he stepped back to his feet and I dragged him to the sink and opened the water.

"What are you doin'~?" He asked in a funny tone.
"Splash your face with water a little." Then I took a little towel that hung next to the sink.
I handed it to him but I noticed that he was staring at the mirror above the sink and when I looked there too, he smirked.

"Our reflections in the mirror are pretty. They would be even prettier if we-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence!" I glared and splahed him right in his face.

"It actually felt good~." He laughed.

"Good for you." I rolled my eyes.

~time skip~

"For the last time, i don't want to hear any of your your jokes! They're not funny at all." I told the basterd who was lying on the couch again.

"Just one more, our night had just begun~"

"You've been here for an hour and a half. I think you are not that wasted any more so you can leave now."
I told. "And i need sleep too."

"Sleepy huh? Then c'mere~" he patted the spot to lie next to him.

"Nah. I rather choose my bed."

"As you wish, i need to smoke though" he was looking for a box of cigarettes in his pockets.

"What have i told you about the smoking in here?" I glared.

"That i can't, but fuck the rules of yours." He laughed.
I gritted my teeth and stepped closer to the couch.

"Listen to me asshole!" I pointed a finger at him. "I'll kick your ass right in this ins-" then he grabbed my arm and pulled me onto his lap.

"Don't be so loud, darlin'." He whispers.
then he lit a cigarette and put it in his mouth and then blew it into my face.
A smell of smoke filled my face.

"Open your mouth a little." He ordered.


"Do it." Ha added.

I opened my mouth slowly, and he put his cigarette on my lips. I inhaled a little then blew the smoke at him.

Then he wrapped his arms around me and wrapped his tail around us as if to protect me from something.

"Getting soft for me?" I smiled to myself.

"I need this, as much as you do."
A small blush appeared on my face and hugged him back.
I started stroking him gently on the back and he buried his face in my neck.

"You like that?" I asked.


Suddenly, however, he grabbed me by the hips and turned me on my back and climbed to the top of me.
He makes his way down to my thighs and squeezes them lightly.

"I know you despise me." He said in a husky tone.
"But you can't get enough of me either."

I let out a gasp when he started to lift up my legs.
"I wanna get lost in you Y/N~" he purred.

He put my legs over his shoulders and came closer to me, in between his fingers he still had a cigarette.
"I'm your worst fucking nightmare darlin', but you want to keep repeating it."

I nodded. He raised an eyebrow when he saw my reaction.
We held the eye contact.
Eye contact is a dangerous thing. But fuck, i liked it so damn much.

He chuckled "I bet you were thinking about me alot."
Now could I feel in my lower parts his hard reaction, rubbing against me.

"I wanna taste you so fucking bad." Striker said and blew a smoke around the room.

"Have taste then, Striker~."


New chapter YESSS!
Hope you enjoyed *wink* *wink*

That be all for this one!
Seeya loves in the next chapter! ♡♡♡

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