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No one's POV:

"Thank you for.... inviting me out tonight." Thanked Stolas in a soft voice to Blitzø, when he got out of the van as they drove back from the Ozzie's and stopped infront of Stolas's palace.

"Despite everything that's happened, i enjoyed spending time with you." Stolas weakily smiled.

"Yeah..." Blitzø breathed out and grabbed on the steering wheel.

"You know... i have some more wine in the house. Octevia's with her mother this weekend so we could-"
Blitzø cut him off as he got annoyed.
"I'm not fucking you tonight okey? I'm really just-" Blitzø put his hand on his face, holding his tears back.
"I'm really not in a mood Stolas." He told.

"We could talk or watch a movie or maybe... *blush* cuddle." Stolas rubbed the back of his neck.

Blitzo gritted his teeth as he could no longer listen to these words of his.
"Stolas don't act like what we have is anything but you wanting me to fuck you okey, you make that clear all the time! But I just I-I can't do it tonight, okey..." Blitzø looked away.

Stolas listened to him with a sad expression. Which made his heart ache when he heard what he thinks of him.

Blitzø really thinks Stolas uses him for his sex toy. And if you truly think about it, Stolas really made him feel that way.

But Stolas really wanted to talk to him so they could solve their problems, but he didn't want to bother him tonight anymore.

"I'm sorry." Blizø added.

"Okey." Stolas nodded and moved away from the van, totally understood his choice.
"Good night Blitz." He gave a sweet smile.

"Good night." Then Blitzø immediately drove off, leaving Stolas by himself.

~time skip~

Blitzø stepped into his home, his small old apartment where he lives with Loona.

He walked past the wall where he had pasted pictures of his adventures with Millie, Moxxie and Y/N, he also had his illustrations of horses there and of course pictures of his dear daughter. But the only person crossed out of the group pictures was himself.

He could no longer look at himself. In fact, he never did.

He saw a note on the door of Loona's room that she was out with Tex. Blitzo exhaled as he read and just lay down on the couch and turned on his phone.

He started sliding across the screen and looking at the pictures he had in the gallery. But when he came past one of the pictures, tears filled his eyes and he started crying. He grabbed the pillow closer to him so he cried into it that his tears soaked into it.

He was so disappointed in himself and his actions. He didn’t know if things would ever get any better in his fucked up life.

He was so lonely, he was so desperate for someone's touch. Special someone's.

Suddenly, he heard his apartment bell ringing. He quickly wiped away his tears and got up from the couch.

"Loonie?" He said quietly. He hoped she had already come back home.

He went to the door and opened it.
When he saw who it was, he froze in place.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" He asked with wide eyes, as he didn't excpeted her here now.

"Hey Blitz..." her eyes were a bit teary, her hair disheveled. She looked awful, sad.

"What happened? How did you- Are you alright?"
He asked her, worried.

"Nope, i'm not. To be honest with you, i'm not sure what i am even doing with my life, like.... practically i fucked it up. I fucked up yours, pretty bad." She said in a weak tone.

Blitzø listened to her and rubbed his hands together.

"I realize I can’t fix my stupid ass decisions. I just want to let you know that I regret hurting  your feelings and I'm a really terrible friend. Your loyalty you had for me all the time, and then I just took advantage of that kindness of yours. I hurt you. Look at me now, I look like some kind of a fucking ordinary-" then he cut her off with a embrace.

"You think i'm anything better? I fucked it up too. We both did." He told her, holding his hands tight around her.

She held her tears back but then she let out a cry. Blitzø pulled away and cupped her cheeks.

"I'm s-so fucking sorry Blitz, for everything I-" she choked on words for a second.

"I'm sorry too." With that, tears began to run down his face as well.

"No, no, don't cry. Don't waste your tears for me." She wiped his cheeks with her thumb.

"You either." He pulled her inside his apartment. "Let's talk inside, please."
She slowly nodded and stepped in.

They both sat down on the couch. Still a little distance from each other.
They were in silence, catching their breath and trying to stop crying.

When they both calmed down, Y/N broke the silence.
"I'm sorry about what happened to you and Stolas tonight. Are you guys okey?"

Blitzø just sighed. "It's just- fuck... it’s pretty much complicated. It became even more difficult between us."
He answered.

She put her hand on his shoulder for a

"And you? What brought you here though?  Weren’t  you on a date or whatever." He was looking away from her.

"I was, yeah." She breathed out.

Blitzø waited for more answers.

She was staring at the floor, not wanting to respond anything.


"He slept with Verosika." She spoke up,
clenching her fists.

"What? Did you just said the whore's name?! " He asked again, if he heard her right.

"Mhm, he fucked her." She played with her fingers of nervousness.
"Meh, why do I care at all, since we aren't even officially together."

"Together? Wait, you two...." he was confused.

She turned her head towards Blitzø.
"I tought we could work on us, he told be so. I tought he changed for the better but now you see that he's the same. You were right. I should have listened."

"Yeah, you really should." He answered.

"But it's a shame for him that he lose a woman like you." He put his hand on hers and connected their fingers together.

"Blitz, c'mon, you don't need to say that." She shook her head.

"What? I'm just telling the truth. Now if he's fucking around with others....."
He started.

He put his hand at the back of her neck and pulled her closer to his face.
He sighed against her lips.

"Why don't you return the favor?"


Finally here's the new one!

More drama is yet to come.
(Yeah, right now is pretty much fucked up.)

Seeya guys in the next chapter! ♡♡♡

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