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Y/N's POV:

Our exhausted bodys were close together, breathing to catch our breaths.

Then we both looked at each other in the eyes at the same time.

"Darlin' i need to tell you something, before this ends."

I looked at him confused. "What do you mean by that?" I questioned.

"Y/N, i want you to know that I- "

*ring* *ring*

I heard my phone ring on my nightstand. "Ahh shit." I took it and it was Blitzø.

"Gosh, just a sec." Striker nodded and started to and began to dress up.


Y/N: Blitz? What is it?

BLITZØ: Hey Y/N, we finished work early today, so I'll be at your home very soon!


I yelled at phone and covered my mouth.

BLITZØ: Umm is there a problem?

Y/N: W-what? No, of course not. Hah. Why would you think that?

I laughed nervously.

BLITZØ: Well, you yelled at your phone
and I almost got a heart attack.

Y/N: Hah sorry for that. See you then.

I slapped my face.

BLITZØ: Okey then, seeya.


"Striker." I looked at him who was fixing his hat. "Hm?"

"Get the fuck out! Blitz is coming over right now!" I explained.

"What if you put some clothes on first."

"Wha- oh fuck." I picked my bra from the floor and put it back on.
Then I looked for my panties but I didn't find them anywhere in my room. "Ugh." I muttered.

"Looking for this?" Striker had my panties in his hands and stepped closer to me.
"Oh, right, thank-" I thought he would hand them over to me but then he went to his knees.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused. "Let me help you with this." He looked up at me.

"May I?" He questioned for my permission. I blushed a little and slowly nodded.

He adjusted my panties so I stepped into them and he started to slowly lift them for me.

His hands brushed against my thighs and his gaze was focused on my face the whole time. He slowly stood up when he dressed me.
A small smile appeared on my face the way he was gentle with me.

"Thanks." I rubbed the back of my neck.
He grabbed me by the cheeks and gave me a small kiss on my forehead.

"Hey um, you wanted to tell me something earlier. What is it?" I asked and i started to put on my shirt and pants.

"Oh. It's nothing."

"C'mom tell me."

He sighed " I don't think it's really a good thing to tell you this." He responded.
"Just focus on our deal we have, okey?"

I was a little disappointed because he didn't want to tell me.
"I'm focused on that. What we had was just..." I didn't know how to finish the sentence.

"Just what?" He looked at me deep in the eyes.

"Look Striker go before Blitz-"

Suddenly, my room's door opened wide.
"HEY Y/N, I bought you a smoothie, your favorite I-" It was Blitzø!

Oh no.

Blitzo looked at both of us in the room in shock. He dropped the smoothie from his hands so it spilled all over the floor.

"What the fuck is going on here!" He almost yelled. "YOU!" He looked at Striker with a deadly look.

"Blitz I- i can explain!" I stuttered.

"Explain what Y/N?" Blitzø put his gun out.

"Aw Blitzy, we see each other again." Striker chuckled.

"You, don't even say a word!" He pointed the gun at him. "Why the fuck is he here?!"

I came closer to him "Blitz, calm down and listen to me. Look I'm doing this for your safety and-" Blitzø cut me off when he pointed at my neck.

"Wait, wait, wait. What is this on your neck?!"

Then i realised, that i have marks on my neck from earlier.

"Oh don't tell me that you two-"

"Blitz, please, you don't understand-"

"You slept with him, didn't you!" He yelled at me.
I backed away from him a little.

"Did you rape her?!" his gaze returned to Striker. "Oh, definitely not. We really enjoyed it." Striker let out an evil chuckle.

"W-what?!" Blitzø's hand in which he held the gun began to shake.

"She feels so good." He winked at him.

Blitzø pulled the trigger and the bullet hit Striker in the shoulder.

He gasped in pain and his blood began to soak into his white jacket. He fell to his knees and clung to his shot shoulder.
"No!" I ran to him.

"Y/N! Why are you helping him!?" Blitzø was confused and so furious.
"LISTEN TO ME! Blitz, you have to give him back the rifle he had at the festival. We have the deal that I have to bring it back."

"And those dumb brains of yours agreed with that and you didn't mentioned me this at all?"

"I didn't want you to get hurt! This was for your safety and-"

"Oh FUCK the safety Y/N!" He gritted his teeth.

"He wanted to hurt us all! What made you trust him?! Oh and fuck with him too!" I saw disappointment in his eyes.
"Why didn't you tell us? I thought we could trust each other."

I had teary eyes that I couldn't even answer anymore.

Blitzø stared at me for a second with sad look.
"I can't believe you lied to us this whole time!" He shook his head.

"Blitz." That was all I could say.

"Huh. You're pathetic Blitzy." Striker laughed.
He stood up and then put out a gun from his pocket aswell and pointed it at Blitzø.

"Let's see how capable you really are Blitz- o."


New chapter for you loves!
Hope you enjoyed!

Shit, what is going to happen next?

See you in the next one really soon!

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