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Y/N's POV:

Striker slams me against the wall in anger with his hands around my throat.
"I'm not going to let anyone else touch you like that." His grip was getting stronger on my neck.

"And if I ever see you with him like that again. I swear i'll rip his head off." He told me with a death stare. "Y-you're a fucking prick." I barely said.
"Oohh am I?"

Then I had enough. I kicked him hard in the stomach with my foot. He immediately stepped away and grabbed his stomach because of the pain I caused him.

"Never do that again!" I said and glared at him. He looked at me and didn't say anything else.

"Y/N! Can you come here and help me with something!" I heard my grandma yelled from the kitchen.

"Yeah comin'." I said back and and I walked past Striker "Get out of my way." and I pushed him away with my shoulder.

I went to the kitchen to my grandma. "Dear sorry if I disturbed you right now. But I really need help here." Grandma told me.

I noticed she had quite a mess in the kitchen. I nodded to her "Of course I will help yo-"

"Can I help too?" Striker came into the kitchen. "Oh you really want to?" My grandma asked him politely. "Sure, why not." Striker answered. "Let it be then. Extra hands will come in handy." She smiled.

"Alright kiddos, first slice these vegetables for the soup i'm making." She placed a bowl of various vegetables on our table. "Wait. It will be some kind of vegetable soup thing again. Granny c'mon!" I was disappointed with her food choices.

"Health comes first. You definitely eat too much of this unhealthy food at work. So we have something healthier on the menu today." She said  and began to pour water into a large pot.

I rolled my eyes and took two knives from a drawer. I gave Striker one knife but he didn't look at me. Oh and i didn't care.

Striker and I started cutting vegetables. He was unusually quiet, he was all serious all the time.

~time skip~

The soup was finally made. I put the plates on the table, grandma placed a pot of soup on the table and gave each one some.

We all sat down and started eating. I really wasn’t thrilled as this could already be seen on my face.

I just stirred the soup and tried a little but I really didn’t feel like eating it because i really don't like those kind of soups.

"Y/N don't be picky and eat." My grandma said who had already eaten almost all of the soup. "I'm not hungry."

"Excuses. I won't throw the food away because you don't want to eat some soup. You'll eat, i don't care if I sit here with you until midnight." She told me with a serious look.

I could spot Striker in the corner of my eye to laught a little. I just kept stirring the soup with a spoon.

~time skip~

After a few minutes, Grandma left the kitchen as someone called her on the phone. So I took this opportunity to go pour the soup back into the pot.

"You know, your grandma wouldn't be happy about this." Striker told me before I wanted to pour the soup. "Oh what do you know." I rolled my eyes and poured it anyway.
He just shrugged. "You know that I-"

Suddenly he stopped talking and grabbed his back and got wide eyes and cried out because of some pain.

"Ugh shit-." He said under his breath and got up from the table. "Are you okey?" I got up too and tried to get closer to him. "I am fine." He said still breathing deeply.

"Are you sure? You look like you're in a lot of pain and-." I wanted to grab him by the shoulder but he stopped me right away.

"I said i'm fine!" he replied more aggressively. "Ugh fine then. Chill out." I crossed my arms and looked away.

For a while there was silence but suddenly Striker started walking towards the back entrance of the house leading to the backyard.

"Where do you think you're going?" I asked. "Just check on Bombproof. Wanna come?" He turned his head back slightly towards me. "Wait you brought your horse with you too? Do you think this is some kind of a hotel?" I asked sarcastically.

"Stop complaining and come outside." He said and went out. I wanted to say something more but I stayed quiet and followed him.

And here is the big black fire horse standing in my grandma's backyard.
"Holy shit. You are even bigger now than you were before." I said impressed.

"What?" Striker questioned me with a confused look on his face. "The horse." I answerd. "Oh hah right." He chuckled and shook his head.

I stepped closer to bomproof and tried to stroke him. "Watch out there sweetie.
Let me first make sure nothing happens to those little hands of yours."

He stepped up to the horse and whistled to him and the Bombproof immediately put his head on his hands.
Interestingly, such a beast can be so cute.

"Be nice." I heard Striker said to him. Striker looked towards me and motioned for me to come closer.

I slowly came closer to them. Striker gently took my hand and placed it on the horse’s nose so I could pet him. He was so calm. He was breathing slowly and watching me the whole time.

"He's such a beautiful creature." I said and kept petting the bombproof. "He sure is." Striker agreed with me.

"Do you want to know what else is beautiful?" Striker looked at my direction.
I looked at him back. "What?" I asked.

Suddenly, something ached in his back again. He yelled out of pain "Fuck not again!"

"Striker what is wrong with yo-." I couldn't finish the sentence as i noticed he had blood on the back of his jacket.

"Oh shit Striker. You are bleeding." I started to panic. "No no, i'm fine darlin'." He wanted to calm me down.

"No you're not you idiot! We need to get back to the house right away and go clean this up!" I told him and began to drag him back into the house.


Next chapter is coming soon loves!


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