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!Warning! Sexual content!⚠️

No ones's POV:

"Why don't you return the favor?"
Blitzø whispered to Y/N while their faces were only a few inches apart.

"You mean, do the same thing as he did?"

"Exactly, we don't have to express our feelings, it can be just lust."
With that Blitzø's lips connected with hers.
Her eyes widened.
Blitzø couldn't resist and bit her lower lip. She gasped and with that he took the opportunity to slide his tongue in her mouth.

She let out a light moan so he grabbed her hips and pulled her closer. Her tongue came in contact with his. She closed her eyes and indulged in the moment.

Her hands traveled up his chest all the way to his neck, then wrapping them around.
Blitzø pulled away a little and smashed his lips against hers again, to deepen the kiss.

She laid her head back so he started to go down to her neck. His hand traveled behind it and licked the spots there.
She felt goosebumps going down her spine every time his lips met her skin.

He started biting first and then sucking the skin on her neck. He let out a small groan "So soft~."

"Blitz~" Y/N breathed out. She felt his hands undressing her suit so he can get to the undershirt.

But he kept sucking on her neck, like his life was depending on it. She moaned when he reached her soft spot and felt him smiling against her skin.

But then she remembered Striker. The way he kissed her. The way he looked at her, admired her, and somehow also respected her.
However, that respect disappeared when she found out about sleeping with another. She knew for herself that they were not a couple yet but her heart still hurt.

But when she opened her eyes again, she felt disgusted that she was already making out with someone else right after Striker and she had an argument.

'They were right. I'm such a slut.' She thought to herself and let out another moan as Blitzø pulled up her shirt and started kissing her chest.
He squeezed her bra and suck on the skin of both breasts.

She kept in thought Striker how he made her feel. How he do it to her. The way he talked to her. Just his husky voice was a such a turn on.

She couldn't do anymore. She felt guilty.

"Blitz stop please." She pushed him away a little.
"Hm?" He questioned.

"I'm sorry but I- i can't do this tonight. Not in a mood." She stood up from the

"Oh, that's okey. I didn't- I didn't meant to do that in a such a pushy way. I'm sorry." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"It's fine. Just, i think we both need a break because of them.....you know."
She told and dressed her suit back on.

"Oh yeah, you're right. I- I just wanted to-" Blitzø wanted to say something but shook his head after. "Nevermind. I can drive you back home if you're-"

"Nah, it's okey. I'll go on foot. Not that far from here." She weakily smiled at him.

"Heh, yeah. Right." He gave her a fake smile.

~time skip~


A bit later,
Striker drove back to his cabin, where next to it was a small barn where his horse Bombproof had a home.

He got out of the car and went to check the barn.

When he looked inside Bombproof was standing in his stable, asleep.
Striker smiled to himself, and went to
give him fresh water and meat, before he go to sleep.

~time skip~

Striker's POV:

After showering, I lay down on the bed, dressed in fresh clothes.
I looked on the phone to see if Y/N had already answered. However, there was no response.

I sighed and took the remote and turned on the television.
I looked at the news a bit but there was nothing special, so I browsed through different channels and nothing interesting were there.

I had only one interest in my head. It was Y/N.
I can't stop thinking about her, she keeps returning in my head even though i try not to think about her.

But holy shit, how beautiful she is. Like she's a perfection, too good to be down there. Just to see her smile was enough for me.
Her (c/h) hair, her (c/e) eyes, and the thing i can't resist is her pretty lips.
I miss her so much already.

Then a hint of excitement lights up inside of me.
"Oh shit." I said to myself and felt myself getting hard.
I got turned on just thinking about her.

No one's POV:

He crossed his arms trying to calm himself but he couldn't help it.

He licked his lips and pulled his pants down, almost to his knees.
He gripped by his already hard dick.
"Fuck~." He said under his breath while he played with the tip.

He started to thought about a rough thigh riding on him, the way she could move her sweaty naked body. With her gaze focused on him all the time.

He wrapped his hand around his erection and bagan to stroke himself.

The way he could grip on her hips to pull her down to take more of him.
He started to heavy breathing when he imagine her soft moans while she could tug his hair.

The thought of her getting fucked while tied to his bed with ropes, got Striker wild.

He bagen jerk himself faster, that he let out a moan. He threw his head back to
to feel pleasure who he imagines giving him Y/N.

He raised his hips and closed his eyes.
He already felt himself coming but he wanted to hold it in a bit more so he bit his lip. "Fuck, i need ya so bad right now~." He let out a groan and stroke himself some more.

He jerked his dick harder and felt his orgasm coming. He moaned out loud and his cum dripped down his dick all the way down to his stomach.

He let out a breath.
"Please, fuck me."


I know, i know.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Seeya very soon in the next one loves! ♡♡♡

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