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Heyaa loves. ♡♡♡
Remember me?

Yeah listennnn... i randomly decided to read this Strikerxreader book of mine few days ago.
And GOD this story really is something for sure- ykyk

(Why did you guys let me continue?!?! you should've stopped me *cries*)

ANYWAY- I was thinking of rewriting or starting a brand new Strikerxreader story here again!!!

So i'd like your opinion if you would be interested into reading or not.

Missed this app SM!! And you lot the most!!! ♡♡♡ (THE COMMENTS AT THE CHAPTERS MADE ME LAUGH SO MUCH I CAN'T-)

Let me know if i shall start again!
Till then, see you soon loves! ♡♡♡

~Doll~ Striker x readerWhere stories live. Discover now