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Listen to Verosika's song, if you want.
Anyway, enjoy! :D

Y/N's POV:

"Nope, not sure. Be more specific." I smiled.

"Drop that bratty behavior of yours, or I'll use ropes on you next time."

Woah, our conversations go from 0 to 100 really quick.

"Okey, i didn't meant it like that. I just... i just got nervous." I blushed and looked away.

"Am I making you nervous, hm?"
The slight smile appears on his face.

"Then I'll explain better now."
He lifted my chin to look at him.

"I can admit, I don't really fall for people." He starts.
"But I fell for you."

"I want to make you smile everyday." He says.
"I want to be worth your time."
His hands pulled me closer.
"Y/N look at me." His deep voice spoke up.

"I need you to be alright. Cuz' I need you. You have to promise me that." His tail gently touched mine.

His words were so perfectly attached to warm up my heart.
"I promise you. Now your turn." I told and wrapped my arms around him.

His hands petted my back and i felt that he gave me a small kiss on my jaw.
"Promise." He whispered.

I gently rubbed his back.
We pulled away and we both softly smiled at each other.

He wanted to say something next but something interrupted us.

"Alright everyone, are yall fucking ready for the next one!?" I heard Verosika said on microphone on stage.
Everyone applauded and screamed her name of enthusiasm.

She started singing the song that is the most famous of her.
Called Vacay to Bonetown.

"Pack your bags, sun's out~,
Take a Vacay babe, take it straight
to bonetown~."


Oh yes! I love this song!" I said and looked back to Striker.
He was already looking at me, smiling softly.

"Hey, i'm a bit thirsty. Can we get our drinks back, eh?" He said to me.
I thumbs up for a agreement.

We walked passed the crowd, everyone were singing and yelling  like those crazy fans, ya know.
I noticed that some threw flowers and also bras on stage.
For a famous pop star like Verosika is, this is probably normal for her.

Then all of a sudden, someone ran into me.
"HEY! Watch where are you going!" Some stranger yelled at me and pushed me away.

"Excuse me now?! You were the one who bumped into me, you prick!" then i felt a hand grab on my shoulder.

"Watch that mouth of yours!" He pointed at me.

"Do you have a problem buddy?" Striker raised an eyebrow at the male imp.

"Yes i have. Teach this whore about some manners. Or i'll do it myself." He laughed at this and took a sip of his beer.

"I wouldn't talk like that if i were you." Striker warned and took my hand, then started walking away from the guy.

"Otherwise I wouldn't mind if I could borrow her for an hour." I heard this weirdo say out loud, but Striker ignored  just walking on.

"Meh, fuck an hour, what about a whole night~!"

With that Striker stopped at the place then slowly turned his head towards the imp.

"Darlin', you stay right here." Striker let go of my hand.

~Doll~ Striker x readerWhere stories live. Discover now