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Y/N's POV:

I had teary eyes that I couldn't even answer anymore.

Blitzø stared at me for a second with sad look.
"I can't believe you lied to us this whole time!" He shook his head.

"Blitz." That was all I could say.

"Huh. You're pathetic Blitzy." Striker laughed.
He stood up and then put out a gun from his pocket aswell and pointed it at Blitzø.

"Let's see how capable you really are Blitz- o."

When he heard as he said his name
like that, rage was seen in his eyes.
"You will pay for what you just did!" Blitzø rushed towards him and punched him right in his jaw with a gun.

He then wanted to shoot him, but Striker quickly grabbed his arm and aimed the gun at the ceiling, so the bullet shot there.

I gasped in due to a loud bang.

I wanted to run towards them but Striker raised his hand to stop where I was. "Nu-uh, stay there darlin'."

"Stop with that bullshit!" Blitzø hit him again in his stomach, so that he fell on the floor, that he dropped his gun.

Blitzø stepped closer to him and held a gun to his head.
"You selfish piss of shit!" he started.

"Blitz stop that, please." I walked over to him and grabbed his shoulder.
He pulled away from my hand.

He turned his head to look at me and started looking deep into my eyes.

"And you." He said in deep voice.

"I can’t believe you’re actually trying to defend him. Have you forgot what he did to us. He hurt Millie and Moxxie. He wants to kill Stolas!" Blitzø's face changed into a sad expression.

"I still don't understand why were you quiet this whole time. I could help you."

I listened to his words. I couldn't get a word out. I was so ashamed of myself.

Then he roughly grabbed my wrist.
"You were very special to me, but now...............that changed." He had a shaky voice.

Suddenly, Blitzø was hit in his leg that he let out a groan of pain.

Striker took the gun from his hands and pushed him to the floor, leaning over to him so he was now on top.

"Nobody!" Then he punched him right in his face.

"Fucking nobody!" Then he punched him again.

"Is allowed to touch her! Except I!"


"Especially not you!"


"She belongs to me! Only ME!" Then
he gritted his teeth and punched him one last time so that blood came out of Blitzø's mouth.

I put my hand over my mouth from what I just saw. My legs were shaking and a tear was running down my cheek.

Striker stood up and grabbed his shot shoulder, caused by Blitzø earlier.
Drops of blood flowed from his fists.

"Please s-stop." I said quietly.  I looked at Blitzø, he was lying bloodied and powerless on the floor.

I look up at Striker. We look at each other in the eyes, his face was covered in blood.

"Sir! Sir! What's going on-" Moxxie rushed in the room with Millie beside him.

Moxxie had the rifle in his hands. The one Striker wants back.

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