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A very IMPORTANT thing for this chapter. Listen to the music at the part that I will write you where it starts.

I’ve been planning this chapter for a while now and I hope you'll enjoy accompanying this gorgeous song.

I like this chapter so much, hope you'll too.

So the song is not mine, everything goes to band Lord Huron!

Enjoy yall!!


|~time skip~ the day with Striker|

Y/N's POV:

I was getting goosebumps when i was preparing for this afternoon.
My hands were shaking as I applied mascara to my eyelashes.

I'm going out with Striker on a date. Well, can I call this a date? Yes sure whatever.

I was super nervous. But actually in a good way.
My grandmother was thrilled when I told her about this good news.
She even wanted to help me choose an outfit. But I preferred to do it myself.

But deep down i was reminded with the past. But the past was and I hope it disappears from my head very soon.

When I finally got dressed, I added on myself my favorite perfume.
I looked in the mirror several times just to make sure if i look perfect.
I took my purse and walked down the stairs.

"Oh look at you. You look stunning, dear." My grandma compliment me.

"Granny, it's not like i'm wearing the most fancy gown, but thank you." I smiled.

"He will be amazed. I'm sure." Grandma grabbed my cheeks and squeezed them playfully.

After that, i looked at the time on my phone and it was already 5.50.
"I'll go wait outside now. He will be here soon."

"Have a nice time dear. Say hello to him for me please."

"I will, bye granny." I hugged her and walked towards the front door.

When I opened them, Striker was already standing in front of the door and was ready to knock.

"Oh hey, I hope I didn't come too early." He rubbed the back of his neck.
"No, not at all. I was just leaving." I smiled.

He smiled softly at me and I saw him that he checked me out with his eyes.
"You look so beautiful as always."

"Well you look handsome. Why so fancy? Would you like to impress me?" I winked.
"For you absolutely."
He took my hand gently and kissed it.
"Shall we go now, darlin' ?"
I blushed and nodded, closed the door behind me.

He walked me towards the black car.
I was stunned when I saw this bad boy in front of me.
"Oh my." My jaw dropped.

"What?" He looked at me.

"What do you mean 'what'? This. THIS! Car is gorgeous." I pointed at it.

"Oh that. Totally agree with you." He chuckled at me.

"You could afford that. What was the price?" I asked.

"Honey, I will not talk about the price."

"Okey okey, just askin' ya." I smiled.

He opened the car's doors for me
and I sat in. When I settled into those comfortable seats, I didn’t want to leave this car ever.

Then he sat down on driver's seat and took the car keys.
"Ready to go?" He questioned.

~Doll~ Striker x readerWhere stories live. Discover now