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Y/N's POV:

"Y-you love me?"

"Yes, only you darlin'~." He put both of his hands on my hips and he slowly began to move them so that I brushed against him.

I also started to move along, slowly as was the rhythm of the song that Verosika sang on stage.

I closed my eyes and exhaled to feel that moment. He squeezed my hips and let out a quiet groan.
I smiled to myself and rubbed my butt against his jeans.

But before this could go any futher, he turned me around so that we looked into each other's eyes again.

I gently stroked his cheek and moved my head closer to his.
His eyes peeked quickly to look at my lips and then back into my eyes.

He softly smiled at the sight of me in the pink lights shining in the whole bar.
And with that i kissed him.
This was a passiomate kiss full of emotions.

My hands i traveled through his hair and he chuckled between our kissing session.
We pulled away and i wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I love you." He repeated. "I really want to stay here with you, in that moment as long as possible." He kissed my forehead.
"You're just all that matters to me." Then he placed another small kiss on my cheek.

"Why are you doing this?" I questioned, shocked by his words.

"Because i think we're right together.
I was waiting for the right moment to tell you." He responded.

"And I don't want to make you feel used.
Because I actually made you feel like that, didn't I?" He said.

I swallowed my saliva and nodded slowly.

"I regret every second of it. I want you to feel safe, loved by my side."

He came closer with his mouth to my lips."You can hurt me, i wouldn't even care. I'll let you hurt me anytime. I want to feel the pain I caused you." He told in husky voice.

Those words this man was saying to me were so appealing. It made me feel like my heart was melting.

I let out a little sigh, my gaze focused on him.
"You have no idea what are you doing to me with this." I said and brushed my lips against his.

"Oh? I don't, huh?" He chuckeled.

I shook my head playfully "Do you want to know something, Striker~."
I breathed out.

"Tell me anything, love." He waited for my respond.

"That I..."

His pupils dilated a bit and he blushed.

"I.... I really need to use a bathroom. Would you excuse me?"

His expression on his face seemed unsure if he had heard me right.
"Um, you-." He rolled his eyes.
"Go then." He let go of me and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I'll be right back." I smirked and make my way towards the toilets.

Striker's POV:

I just confessed to her and she didn't even said anything about it?

The hell? Why would she-



She's already teaching me a lesson, doesn't she?

But still, I waited for the perfect moment to confess my feelings to her, and that moment happened here.
Pretty much upset about it.

I shook my head and sat down at a free table and watched a performance of this fancy gal.

She sang fine, her vocals were quite high. Her gaze suddenly shifted to me.
A small smile appeared on her face and then she started walking around the stage.

Her hands began to travel from her hair all the way down to her hips in a seductive way actually.

With that, she ended her song and everyone started clapping and whistling.

I clapped too and at the same time I was waiting impatiently for Y/N.

I really want an answer from her.
An honest answer.

"Shit." I cursed under my breath because I really had to blew few smokes.

"Did she already ran away from you, huh?" I turned my head towards the voice.
"It seemed to me that she would not last long with you." Those glowing pink eyes stared at me.

"Nah, she'll be back pretty soon." I answered.
"Miss Mayday, was it?" I said and leaned my elbows on the chair.

"Correct." She smiled and sat on the table right beside me.
"Now say, enjoyed the show?" She asked and crossed her legs.

"Yeah, it was alright. Not bad singing."
I told.

She nodded and put her hand on my shoulder. "Aren't you thirsty?" She started to squeeze on it gently.

"Maybe a little." Then I removed her hand from me.

"I'll get you something later. I have few more songs to perform." She told.

"And i wanna have a word with you after." She stood up and leaned down, a little too close to my face.

"Alone." She added.

"Okey listen, please respect the distance, and you want to talk with me about.. what?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You'll see. Tonight, at 12pm, wait me here at this table. Is that okey with you?

I was confused with this all the sudden.
"And like I said. I want to talk in private. Would be that a problem, hm?"
She winked.

I wondered if I should even agree with this.

"Come on, we won't be long."

I sighed and crossed my arms. "Let it be then. But it's better for you that this 'conversation' will be worth my time." I told.

"I bet it'll be." She licked her lips and moved away from me.

"Have a nice time with your sweetheart, for now Striker~." Then with her tail she rubbed my chin and lifted it a little. With that she walked away from the table.

That was unexpected action.

Y/N's POV:

I was walikng back towards the dance floor but Striker was no longet there.
But then my eyes locked at the table where he was sitting.

I started to walk towards him.
"Sorry if you waited so long." I let out a chuckle.
He looked at me and stood up.

"Seriously? You're apologizing for that?" He said, looking very annoyed.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh don't act stupid now. You know exactly what i mean." He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer.

Yeah I know what he means, maybe it was really a bit rude of me that I just walked away after his confession to me.
I'll tell him soon, now i'll just tease him just a little bit more.

"Nope, not sure. Be more specific." I smiled.

"Drop that bratty behavior of yours, or I'll use ropes on you next time."


Ladies and gentlemen.

New chapter for ya loves!
Hope you enjoyed it!

Seeya very soon in the next one! ♡♡♡

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