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Y/N's POV:

I was lying in bed in Stolas' palace. My stomach was empty so I waited for the food that Stolas had promised to bring me.

Suddenly the door of the room opened and I noticed a small imp with a tray in his hands enter the room.

"Hello miss. I brought you the food you wished for." He came closer to the bed and placed a tray full of food on a small table next to me.

This little imp was dressed very formally. A tie tied around his neck. He wore a black suit and a white shirt underneath.

"Aww thank you very much." I thanked him and gave him a soft smile.
"Enjoy your food Miss. If you need anything, I'll be outside at the door." He nodded and left the room.

I immediately grabbed a tray of food and started eating in an instant. I was so hungry. I haven't eaten food in a while- i mean, i I ate a little different food- Oh for fuck sake! I think about that son of a bitch again!

Fuck, I would rather cut his dick off!


Blitzø's POV:

"You won't believe what I just heard." I said and grabbed the steering wheel of the van and started driving like a crazy.

"SIR! SLOW DOWN! WHAT IS GOING ON?!" Moxxie yelled at me. I just laughed at his childish. "Stolas found
Y/N! Now let's get to his place bitches!" I screamed out with joy.

"Y/N!? OH dear satan. Is she alright?" Millie asked totally shocked by what I just told them. "Yeah she is fine! She better be. Oh when I get this motherfucker, I will show no mercy." I gritted my teeth together and continued driving.

~time skip~

Y/N's POV:

Stolas came into the room again and brought me warm tea for even better well-being.

"So dear hope you feel any better now." Stolas said with a smile on his face.
"Of course. I'm very glad." I smiled back. "And by the way where's your daughter Octavia if I may ask?"

"Ohh my lovely Via is in her room right now. Just relaxing." He responded.

I nodded. Then I wanted to ask about his wife Stella, but I don't know if I should.

"So you mentioned earlier that my friends would come. So when will they be here?" I asked and took another sip of tea.

"Hmmm, I think they should come any minute now. Blitzy said that he-"

"WE ARE HERE!" Stolas was interrupted when I saw Blitzø knocking on the huge window in the room.

"Aww my Blitzy, where have you been for so long~?" Asked Stolas and opened the window for the I.M.P gang.

I looked at them and they looked back with excited eyes on their faces.

They all rushed towards the bed where I lay. "Y/N are you oke-" Moxxie wanted to ask if i was alright,
but Blitzø immediately pushed him away and took my hand and looked at me with worried eyes. "Are you okey? Are you hurt?" He gasped. "Did this fucker do that to you?" He asked and looked at every wound on my hands and on my face.

"Dude chill out. I'm fine. Don't worry he's gone now." I said back to Blitzø. "Gone? What do you mean gone hun?" Millie asked me and patted my head. "Well ehh.. I hope he's gone. I ran away from him, luckily he didn't notice where I went." I explained to them.

"And where did he go then?" Blitzø asked still holding my hand. "I'm not sure. He said he'll go get his horse before he left he tied me to a chair so I couldn't escape from this motel he locked me in." I explained what I knew.

"Well he's horse was already gone from the farm when we left." Moxxie replied and sat on the bed.

I scratched my head because I didn't know where else Striker could be.

"Say, where's that motel?" Millie asked.
"I have no idea." I said and looked at her. "I only remember the sign. I think it is ehh Hideaway motel." I told them.

"Right. Alright gang. We have to find this Motel somehow and maybe we'll find a man." Said Blitzø confidently.

"Aww Blitzy did you forget I was even here?" Said Stolas a little disappointed.

Blitzø muttered something under his breath and walked over to him and the two began their conversation.

I then talk with Millie and Moxxie this time. They were so worried about me like they were my parents. But i didn't mind it. They would be a brilliant parents.

"Oh shit. My grandma. Fuck i better go back home!" I said in panic and got up from the bed and fell on the ground.

"OH MY- Y/N what the actual fuck." Blitzø rushed over to me and helped me get up. "Y/N, you still have severe wounds. You're not stable yet." Said Moxxie and halped aswell.
"He's right hun. You need to rest a little more." Millie told me with worried look.

"Guys i'm fine. Stop worrying so much. I really need to see my grandma. I want to see her if she's safe." I said.

Blitzø sighed and patted my head. "Okey fine. Let's head home."

"Thanks Blitz." I said and hugged him.

At first he didn't know what to do in this situation, but he hugged me back.

Then I looked towards Moxxie, Millie and Stolas and waved them to join us. They all came closer to us with Blitzø and we all made a big warm group hug.


Striker's POV:

I whistled for my horse if he was anywhere nearby. Luckily I heard the cracking of his hooves and when I turned around it was Bombproof in front of me. "Hey buddy where have you been?" I patted him gently. He just breathed deeply and swung his fiery tail.

Then I jumped on his back "You're probably hungry, aren't you?"
He lowered a strong sound as if in response 'yes'.

"Huh. Well alright. Me too ya know~." I smirked and hit him with my tail and rode back to the motel.

~time skip~

I left Bombproof outside so I only went to the room to get the meat I had stored for him.

I took the keys out of my pocket because I locked the door because Y/N is still tied up in there.

I smiled to myself and unlocked the door.

When I opened them I dropped the key from my hands because I saw that Y/N was no longer there.

"Hah. You like to play dirty games, don't you."

"I'll get ya next time sugar."


Lover? I mean Striker! I MEAN STRIKER!!!!!

Yeah this chapter is a bit longer.
Hope you enjoyed babes!

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