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Y/N's POV:

"I wanna taste you so fucking bad." Striker said and blew a smoke around the room.

"Have taste then, Striker~." I breathed out.
With my legs on his shoulders, I pulled him closer to me.

He brought his face closer to mine. He was preparing for a kiss.
He started to gently brushing his lips against mine.

We kept eye contact, I also peeked a little into his lips. "Darlin' I-" he said in low tone.

Then a phone ringing interrupted our moment.
"What the-" Striker pulled away from me and reached into his pocket and looked at his phone.
He sighed when he looked at it.

Then he answered it. "Yes?"
I fixed myself and looked around the living room, to distract myself a little so he can talk in peace.

"I got the package, yes." He nodded.
"I'm prepared ma'am. I won't let you down."
He hung up after.

He grabbed his head and rattled.
"Pathetic bird cunt." he mumbled under his breath.
"That was an early call." I said.
"Yeah it was." He responded back. "I need to head out."

"Oh, fine then." I sighed. " Oh before you go can i ask you something real quick?"

"Yes sure."

"What were you doing to get that drunk and came to my house at that time?" I questioned.

"Well, I went for a drink in town with my car. Some tall lady offered me a drink in a bar and sang I don’t know exactly what. I think she's a pop star. Then I-"
I cut him off.

"A pop star?" I got wide eyes.
"Yeah, she has a pinkish kinda skin. We both drank a lot there."

"Dude!" I almost yelled. "What?" He asked.

"That was definitely Verosika!"

"Um, who?"

"Verosika Mayday!"

He stared at me for a second "You know that gal?"

"Duh! Who doesn't know her? She is very popular. Have you seriously never heard of her?"

"Obviously not." He shrugged.

"In which bar did this happen?"

"I don't know. I just went into one, closest there."

I slapped my forehead. "You can be very stupid sometimes." I shook my head.

"Whatever." He stood up from the couch.
"Well look at me, I'm not wasted as much as i was before." he boasted
and with that he slipped and fell on the floor.

"Woah, how attractive was that." I raised an eyebrow.
He barely got up and looked at me and glared.

"Aww, are you upset now, honey?"
A slight blush appeared on his face.
"i'm not gonna fall for that." He crossed his arms.

I chuckled and walked towards him "I'll walk you to the door."
He rubbed the back of his neck and took my hand that our fingers connected together.

We walked towards the door, and i opened them for him.
"I have to thank you for taking such good care of me earlier." He smiled and stepped outside.

"Meh, you looked awful, you needed it."
I chuckled.
"Feel better now?"

"Yeah, I'm used to it actually. It’s not as bad anymore as it was before. Just a little dizzy. That's all." He said.

I nodded.
"Well you said that you drove to the city. I don't see your car parked here."

"Mhm, I came on foot. I left it on the parking lot, next to this bar, which I have to figure out where exactly it is. But I know it has some kind of bright pink lights so I’ll find it quickly."

"What?! Someone could hit you with a car or some shit when you were completely unconscious!" I told strictly.

"But they didn't, i am still here, right?" He laughed.

"Need a ride?" I asked.

"Oh no no. Thank you love, but no more favors for me, okay?" He shook his head.
"Well if you say so." I rubbed my left arm.

"Totally." He cupped my cheeks and kissed my forehead.
My tail waggled a little of this.

He pulled away and looked at me in the eyes.
"What?" I asked.

"I fancy you."

I blushed and smiled softly at him.


"Remeber, when you gave me some paper. You wrote something on it."

He got wide eyes and and became a little nervous. "Oh that, yeah i kinda wrote a um-" he stopped for a second.
"I wrote a song."
I nodded "Okey? Why did you give me it then?"

"It is meant for you."

At that moment, I couldn’t believe his words.
"F-for me?" I stuttered.

He slowly nodded. "Have you, ya know, read it?" He asked.

I remembered reading only one short verse and then tearing up the whole paper.

I shook my head 'no' at him slowly.
"Oh." in his voice i could tell that he was disappointed a bit.

"I want to hear it from you, Striker."
I couldn’t believe my words, but I'm really interested for this.

"You really want to?"

"Positive." I smiled.

He grined "I accept your decision. This is how we're going to do. Tomorrow afternoon I will pick you up here at your house at 6. I will take you to a special place, trust me you're gonna love it. So what do you say, sweetie?"

"You got really excited about that? Did you want to plan this before?" I chuckled.

"Maybe~." He smirked.
"So, is that a yes?"

"You know what."
Striker's smiled dropped when i started a sentence like that.

"I would love to go with you."
His smiled came back. "Well i'm honored." He took my hand and left a soft kiss on it.

"Night my love, see you tomorrow~."


Gosh, i love this!
Hope you liked it tho!

Seeya in the next chapter loves!♡♡♡

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