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Y/N's POV:

When i ended a call with Blitzø, I decided to take one short nap.

Suddenly, my grandma came into my room. "Oh, sorry dear that I wake you up, i just wanted to tell you that i'll go to town to get some groceries."

"Fine by me. Bye granny." I smiled and closed my eyes.

"Don't open the door to any strangers, only friends or that handsome postman." She chuckled.

"What the- Granny!" I looked at her with a disgusting look.

"What? I'm just saying that-" i cut her off  "You don't need to." I stopped her before she wanted to say something that i didn't want to hear.

"Alright alright, bye dear."

~time skip~

"Hey, sleeping beauty, wake up!" I heard a deep voice in my sleep.

I slowly opened my eyes and turned at the direction of the strange voice.

I rubbed my eyes and now I could clearly see who it was.

"What the FUCK do you want?" I glared at the the one and only


"Hey, where's my lighter?" He was looking at me when i layed on my bed.

"Your what?"

"My lighter. You know the thing that you-"

"I know what's a lighter. No need to explain it to me." I shook my head. "And why the fuck are you here again? I thought you had to do some stuff or whatever. And it's not very polite to enter someone's house ya know."

"Sorry darlin', but this is very important."

I stare at him for a second. "Really? And why is it so important?"

"I uhh, i have to smoke." He answered.

"OH. MY. SATAN. Are you fucking serious!" I almost yelled.
He slowly nodded. "You came here, instead of going to a nearby store and buying it there?!"

He smiled awkwardly. "Yes, and i didn't bring any money with me."

I wanted to tell him a lot of other things but I was too exhausted to argue with him "Let's go downstairs" i sighed.

I got up from the bed and started walking towards the door. Striker giggled and I looked back at him with an angry look.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Nothin. It's just you when you wake up. You're all grumpy." He chuckled.

"Listen to me, when i find this lighter of yours, i swear to god, I'll shove it into your ass!" I pointed a finger at him.

"Fair enough." He nodded.

I rolled my eyes and we walked down the sairs.

~Time skip~

"You know what, why i'm even helping you to search for it. You've done enough shit to me."

"Okey okey, you don't need to search for it sweetie. Can i borrow yours, if you have one?" He asked in calm tone.

"Ugh, i have to search for that one too dammit!" I slapped my forehead.
"Are you fucking with my mind again. Can't stand without a cigarette one day?" I looked at him acrosse the kitchen table.

"No, i'm already shaking. See?" He showed me his shaky hands.

"Dude. You are really addicted to them, aren't you? That's why you're acting so weird right now."

"C'mon, find one."

"Nah, i'm good." I smiled evilly.

"Please." He begged.

"Ugh, you!"

I started looking for it in some drawers and on shelves. Luckily in few minutes I found some old lighter.

I threw it at him and Striker had a quick reflex and grabbed it. "Thank you." He smiled and took out a box of cigarettes out of his pocket of his white jeans and put one out and started to lighten it.

"No, no mister. You're not smoking in here." I told him strictly.

"Who says that?" He made a small grin and put the cigarette between his lips and started to smoke.

"Me!" I yelled.

He laughed "Yeah, right."

He came closer to me and blew his smoke into my face. I started coughing and tried to blow the smoke away with my hands.

"Ha. You're pathetic." He smirked.

Suddenly, the need arose in me again.
I had enogh. I need this feeling again.

"You know what, you're going to put out that cigarette, went upstairs and go have sex." I directly said.

"Fine." He then thought for a moment and got wide eyes what i just said. "WHAT?" He questioned, completely shocked.

"You heard me! Now be quick, I don't have time all day." I started to walk to the stairs. "Wait, wait. Hold up." He grabbed me by the arm to stop me. "We can't just fuck right now, and i have no idea what got into you?"

"I just need that ok, i don't have time to talk about it." I responded.

"But you said, you don't want me to-"

"I'm in charge now, so shut you mouth and be a good boy for me, will ya?"

He didn't comment on anything further. He just stared at me like an idiot.

I grabbed him by his bandana and pulled him down to my height, to my face so we made eye contact.

"Now you obey me lover boy~."


Holy shit! It's almost a month since the last chapter. I'm such a bitch to you guys that i let you wait for that long.

I'm sorry loves, hope you enjoyed this chapter because i did! I don't know why but i laughed when i wrote that.

(And btw sorry for any grammar mistakes.)

But here we are again! Have a nice summer guys!

Stay tuned for next chapter :3

Seeyaa next time!♡♡♡

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