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Y/N's POV:

After a while, the I.M.P group and I headed back to imp city. We said goodbye to Stolas together and I thanked him again for taking such good care of me and saving me.

But we all had to sneak out of the palace so that Stella wouldn't notice us.

As we walked to the van, Blitzø was walking all the time close to me so I wouldn’t fall again. "Blitz can you please stop that. I said i'm fine." I told, looking at him. "You just fell before. How do I know you won't now." He responded. I rolled my eyes and smiled a little at this.

We got to the van and they decided that I should sit in the front seats as Millie and Moxxie will sit at the back.

Millie and Moxxie opened the back door of the van and stepped inside and closed it behind them.

I opened the door from the front of the van and when I tried to sit down someone grabbed my hips. I gasped and
and turned around. That someone was Blitzø. "Dude what the heck are you doing!?" I asked and glared at him.

"What? I just want to help you-"

"You don't need to help me get in the van. I'm not even that hurt you idiot." I said and hopped on the seat. "Okey okey. Jeez relax." He chuckled and went to the other side of the van and sat at the steering wheel.

Then we drove back towards home.

~time skip~

The road was quiet. Moxxie and Millie were already sleeping in the back together hugging. I smiled at them and then turned my gaze at the dark road infront of us.

"Are you feeling alright Y/N?" Blitzø asked me, his gaze still on a road.
"Definitely better. Thank you guys for coming for me and for all the caring. I really appreciate it." I thanked and smiled.
"Hey don't thank us. You're actually part of our family." Then he looked at me and a soft smile appeared on his face.

"Family? Aww that's so sweet of ya." I chuckled a little. "I'm not sweet the fuck." He disagreed. "Yes you are. You can't deny it." I told him back.

"Okey, let's not continue this conversation on this topic anymore. Here. Call your grandma." Blitzø gave me his phone. "Oh my, thank yo-" I stopped talking for a second and continued after "Wait. Where did you get my grandmother's phonenumber?" I asked Blitzø confused and raised an eyebrow.

He saw him get wide eyes. "Omm. I-I you know. Ehh when-" He couldn't get the right sentence out of his mouth. "For fuck sake. This doesn't matter right now. Just call her dammit." He said a bit annoyed. "Alright, calm down there. Thanks." I said and laughed at his response.

I started calling her. I hope she answers.

"Hello?" and finally my grandma answered in a tired voice. "Granny hey. It's Y/N!" I said with happines. "Y/N!" My granny yelled at the phone that my ears hurt a bit. "What Y/N? Where are you?! Is everything okey?! Come back home right now!" She yelled at me. "I'm totally fine. Blitz is driveing me home. So we will be there soon." I told her.

"You have no idea how worried i was! What happend?" She asked me completely shocked that I had called her. "Granny I'll tell you when we get home okey? But you don't have to worry."

We talked for a while. Then we hang up. Grandma will definitely grounded me when i get home. Shit.

"Man. She's pissed." Blitzø said to me. "Yup. Now I'm in big trouble." I sighed. "Good luck." Blitzø teased and laughed. "That's not funny! Stop with that shit." I said and crossed my arms.

"Aww is someone mad?" I saw him smirked at himself while driving.
"Shut the fuck up Blitz." I said.
He chuckled at this "Make me."

I stared at him "What?" I asked a bit shocked at his response. "You heard me." He smirked again.

I rolled my eyes and looked back at the road and saw the lights from a distance. We are finally back at the Imp city.


Sorry loves for waiting so long for a new chapter. I had a lot of things to do for school. I hope you understand.

So hope you enjoyed new chapter.
More Striker's and reader's moments are coming!

That will be all for now. Thank you babes for reading the book and all the votes!!!♡♡♡

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