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Y/N's POV:

"What is she doing to you?" I asked him. "Ugh i don't want to talk about it. Now give me back my-" I cut him off  "Oohh yes you are going to talk about it. I don't fucking care. You're going to tell me what this bitch is doing to you." I said directly.

"I said give me back my hat right now." He gave me his hand to return his hat.
"Why don't you want to tell me? Are you scared or something?"

"This is your last chance." He said.

Then I answered him back.
"Make me."

"I'm not sure what exactly you want to achieve with this." Then he roughly took the hat from my hand and put it back on his head.
"And for you it would be wiser to do the task than you ask me here nonsense." Striker told and got up from the bed.

"Cocksucker." I said quietly to myself and also got up. "It would be better for to get your ass out of my house and do something useful while I try to get the rifle." I said and put my hands on my hips.

"I just wanted to leave. And I'll give you just one day." I looked at him confused. "You mean one day for me to bring you your fucking rifle back?"

"Correct." He smirked.

"What the- Have you forgotten what deal we have!? You didn't even mention how many days I have-" i was cut off.

"Maybe I didn't, maybe I did. Too bad for that." He laughed.

"You know being a dick won't make yours any bigger." I glared.

"Yeah? You loved playing with it, and twice. You can also try several times."

"Ew. Never mention this again." I said and shook my head.

"I'll try." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"I hate you."

"As you should, darlin'."

~time skip~

"Y/N! Where's- ohh there you are! I just came here to say goodbye to this kind gentleman. I hope you liked the lunch. I'm very glad that you stopped by." My grandma said to Striker where we were standing at the back door.

"It's a pleasure. Thank you ma'am for a great afternoon."

I rolled my eyes and glared at Striker.

He waved goodbye with his hat and went to the backyard. I watched him trought the window in the kitchen. Then he jumped on his horse, and jumped over our fence and rode off into the distance.

I sighed and grabbed my head. Suddenly, grandma came closer to me and gently grabbed me by the shoulder. "Are you feeling well dear? Do you want me to make you some tea?" She asked me with a worried expression.

"Yes i'm fine granny. Just- Just a little bit tired."

"You poor child. Go get some rest. Do you need anything?"

"No, no i'm good. Thanks." I softly smiled at her.

I went to my room and threw myself on the bed with my face buried in to the pillow.

"Dammit!" I sighed.

I took the phone I had on the bed and texted Blitzø.


YOU:  Hey dumbass!

I waited a few seconds and in an instant Blitzø texted me back.

BLITZ: Yo! What's up? You found your phone i see.

YOU: Yep. Heh. And nothin' just bored.

BLITZ: Do you need someone to cheer you up?

YOU: Maybe.

BLITZ: I'll be honored to take this opportunity.

YOU: hey what was that in your office before? Were these lame jokes of yours again?

BLITZ: I dunno. You tell me.

YOU: Stop that! You're really getting on my nerves right now!

BLITZ: okey okey. Chill out. I was just joking.

YOU: Really?

BLITZ: YES! happy now bitch?

YOU: yes thank you.

I laughed at this.

YOU: Hey can you come to my house after work? If you have time ofc?

BLITZ: Sure! I haven't been here in a while.

YOU: Two weeks ago you've been.

BLITZO: these are long times.

YOU: Whatever you say. I'll go take a nap now. Now go to work mr. Boos man.

BLITZ:  you should call me that more often.

YOU: Nah, you little shit.

BLITZ: Fuck off!

YOU: Seeya later!

BLITZ: Bye bye princess


New chapter is done.

Sorry guys that you waited so long.
Hope you enjoyed!

Seeya next time loves! ♡♡♡

~Doll~ Striker x readerWhere stories live. Discover now