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Y/N's POV:

When we got to town, Blitzø first drove to Moxxie’s and Millie’s apartment. Blitzø and I both said goodbye to them and drove off.

Blitzø drove to my grandma's house. When we got there, I started to worry about how to explain to my grandmother what had happened to me. Should I even tell the truth?

"And here we are." Said Blitzø and stopped the van.
I got out of the van and when I wanted to turn to Blitzø to thank him he got out of the van too. "Hey um what are you doing?" I asked him. "Well, I wanted to walk you to the door." he explained to me and smiled.

I nodded and we both walked to the front door of the house.

When I wanted to knock because Grandma always locks the door at night, the door suddenly opened.
"Y/N oh dear satan, there your are!" My grandmother almost cried and hugged me. "Hey it's okey. I'm sorry granny that I let you worried and all alone." I apologized to her and we pulled away from the hug.

"Why didn't you call?  What happened to you kids?" My grandma asked and looked at Blitzø.

I wanted to say something, but Blitzø interrupted. "Ma'am it's my fault. I wanted to stay a little longer at this festival. We all forgot about time together and that’s why we came back so late." Blitzø answered her.

"You should let me know about staying longer there, you know." Granny said and crossed her arms. "I know, i know.
I'm sorry." Blitzø said and scratched the back of his neck.

"And what else did you do to have those scars on your knees?" She looked at me again. "Well we played some games, ya know, I'm a little clumsy sometimes." I laughed nervously.

Grandma sighed and a little smile appeared on her face. "It's late. We should get some rest." She said.

"I totally agree with you ma'am. I'll go now. See you tomorrow ay?" Blitzø said.
"Yes sure. Blitz thanks again for everything." I thanked and hugged him. I pulled away from the hug and he blushed a little. "Yes thank you that you brought Y/N home safely. Somehow." Granny mumbled the last part.

"Anytime. Night." Then Blitzø waved and went to the van and drove down the road.

My grandmother and I both hugged again and went in the house.

~time skip~

Before I went to bed I went to take a shower. I felt a little guilty for lying to my grandmother about what happened at the festival. But if I had told her the truth, she would never have allowed me to leave the house again only when I went to work.

Luckily, I have three more days off because my boss is on a trip and she gave me a break because a new employee came to work in a weapon store where I have been employed for about 2 years now.

I tried to relax in the warm water and forget about all the terrible things that had happened to me.

~time skip in the morning~

My grandmother and I had breakfast. Grandma was surprisingly calm.

But suddenly she asked me "Y/N where are all your stuff ? You don't even have a phone with you?" She asked me confused.

"Oh, that. Well. I forgot them." I smiled awkwardly. Grandma looked at me with a strange look. "How can you forget to take your things. You're really irresponsible."

She continued "You need to tell your friends that you forgot your stuff and phone and that you need to get them back somehow. You know, these things aren't cheap." Grandma told me. "Yes, that's great idea." I gave her a fake smile.

"Gosh Y/N, you're really confusing sometimes." She sighed and continued eating.

"Can I borrow your phone for a minute to call Blitzø." I asked her. "Of course dear."

Then grandma got up from the table and went into the living room. Then she came back to the kitchen and handed me the phone. "There you go."

"Thanks granny." I thanked her and searched for Blitzø's phone number.

I got up from the table and went to the living room to have a little privacy when I talked on the phone with Blitzø. Sometimes he starts saying inappropriate things and I don’t want my grandma to hear them.

I started calling him. I waited for a little bit and then he answered. "Hello ma'am. Is everything alright?"
"Hey Blitz. It's me." I said.

"Oh Y/N hey. How are you doin'." He greeted me.  "I'm cool. Listen. You know I don't have my things I packed. Apparently still at Millie's parents house. Would it be possible to somehow get them back-" He interrupted me.

"Ohh right. Millie took them, don't worry." Blitzø told me.
"Oh that's great and my phone too right?" "Oh well i dunno. You should ask her about it." He said back. "Oh okey then. Can you just send me her number so i can text or call her."

"Sure sure." He said. "Okey thank you so much." "No problem. Hey do you want to hang out later maybe?" He said with a little laugh. "Sure why not. Are you at your company?" "Yeah, Lonnie and me are playing like a loving daughter and father." He told me and did that cute voice when he said Loona's name. "She's playing with ya?" I asked. "Well actually she's just sitting here with me doin her own shit but i'm fine with it, am I right sweetie?" I think he asked her that. "Shut up." I heard Loona's voice.

Then I heard the door's bell ring. "I'll get it!" My grandma yelled.

"Om Blitz can we talk later." "Oh yes yes sure. See you around then." He said.

I hang up and then and went to the front door to see who had come.

"Grandma who is it-" i stopped talking and froze.

No. That can't be true. Do I even see right?

"Howdy sweetie~."


New special chapter.

Things will get more and more ...... you know what i mean. ;)

That is all

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That is all.
Bye bye babes. Seeya next time.♡♡♡

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