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Y/N's POV:

I noticed Striker had blood on the back of his jacket.

"Oh shit Striker. You are bleeding." I started to panic. "No no, i'm fine darlin'." He wanted to calm me down.

"No you're not you idiot! We need to get back to the house right away and go clean this up!" I told him and began to drag him back into the house.

We came back to the kitchen, I heard grandma still talking on the phone in the living room.

I knew where my grandma had the disinfectant and bandages stored. so I immediately went upstairs. "Can you stop panicking! It's just a little bit of blood, so what?" I heard Striker said behind me.

I just ignored that and went to grandma's bedroom and took the necessary things from her closet.

Striker was just waiting at the door. I came out of the bedroom full of hands of bandages and other stuff.

"Are you going to bring a whole hospital with you now?" He joked. "Hey, be glad that i'm even helping you! Now shut up and follow me." I told him and started walking to my room.

I opened the door of my room. Striker did not step in immediately. I looked back at him "Come on, don’t be shy to step into a woman’s room." I smirked and then I put the stuff on my bed.

"Now sit down and undress your jacket." I told him strictly. "Yes ma'am." Then he did what I said.

I sat down next to him and his white shirt underneath was completely covered in blood on his back. "Shit what the fuck were you doing?" I asked.

"Just some shit." He answered. "Shit like what?" I raised an eyebrow for him to explain more. "Can we just get over this dammit." He replied.

I sighed. "Can I lift your shirt a little so I can see the wound." I asked him for a permission. "Ohh well om- yes, i guess." He said back and scratched the back of his neck.

I nodded and and lift up the shirt and when I saw that deep scar all over his back, I was shocked by what i just saw.

"Holy fuck- Striker? What happend to you?" I asked with a wide eyes.
He didn't say a word.

I immediately took this special disinfectant next to me and put a few drops on the cotton wool. "Okay, this is going to hurt a little, but it'll help you." I explained to him and put cotton wool on his scar.

"Fuck." I heard him say the words under his breath and he squeezed the bed sheets a little to make it easier to withstand the pain.

"It's okey, it would be over soon enough." I whispered to him softly. He nodded and he had closed eyes all the time.

As I continued, Striker began to breathe faster than usual. Suddenly, he roughly grabbed my thigh and squeezed it.

"Ahh Shit! Please say you're done." He slowly said.

"Just a little bit more please." I said and tried to clean the wound as soon as possible.

After few minutes i finally finished. "There, i'm done." I told him. Twice he took a deep breath and exhaled. He removed his hand from my thigh and opened his eyes.

"Okey let me just wrap you up with the bandages." I had his blood on my hands but I didn’t look back on it.

I wrapped it around his back, not too tight, just enough so it wouldn't hurt.
"Alright. Now I hope it gets better." I told and i smiled.

He turned his head towards me. "Why did you help me?" He asked.
"Oh om well, I- I  don't know." I responded and sighed.
I became embarrassed and scratched my head.

I knew he was looking at me but I tried not to make eye contact. "There must be a reason. But no need to tell me if you don't want to." Striker told and smiled softly at me.

I looked him in the eyes this time. "And thank you darlin' for the help. I hope I can repay you someday." He took my hand and kissed it.

I immediately withdraw my hand away. "Don't." I shook my head to him to stop.
I noticed he wanted to say something, but he immediately stopped and looked away disappointed.

We just sat in silence for a while in my room. It was getting a little awkward.

"She did it." Striker said suddenly. I looked at him confused. "What do you mean she? Who's she?" I asked.

"The Princess." He responded without looking at me. "What are you taliking about-" then I realized. "Princess Stella hurt you like that?" I asked with a shocked expression.

"Yeah." He was serious all the time and I could barely see anything of his face because his hat was covering him.

"Dude, put that hat down and-" when I put it down from his head my angry expression instantly changed to worried one.

Was he? Was he crying?

"Hey the fuck is your problem! Give me that back." He wanted to take the hat from my hands. "Are you crying? I've never seen you like this before." I said with worried eyes.

"I'm not crying. Why the fuck would you think that." He asked with an angry look.

"I see your eyes are watery. What is she doing to you?" I asked him. "Ugh i don't want to talk about it. Now give me back my-" I cut him off  "Oohh yes you are going to talk about it. I don't fucking care. You're going to tell me what this bitch is doing to you." I said directly.

"I said give me back my hat right now." He gave me his hand to return his hat.
"Why don't you want to tell me? Are you scared or something?"

"This is your last chance." He said.

Then I answered him back.
"Make me."


Enough writing for today. I have to go to sleep because I have school tomorrow.

I'm so sleepy.

So goodnight everybody!♡♡♡

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