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Y/N's POV:

I yawned and stretched. "I think i'm going to bed early today." I said.
"As you wish dear, but before you go I should tell you that your friend was looking for you." Grandma told.

"Friend?" I asked.

"Yes dear. Striker, right?"

"He was here? When?" I asked.

"He came right after you left."

"Why tho?"

"No idea, he just asked if you were home." Grandma told.

"That's all?"

"Oh no no, I invited him in and served him tea." She smiled and sat down at the kitchen table.

"Are you kidding me? Please say you're joking." I shook my head.

"Not at all, dear. He really is a talkative young man." She said.

"Yeah, he really is." I agreed.
"So what were you two talking about?"

"Well, i asked him what kind of job he has."

"And he said what to you?"

"He said he works on a farm and helps around. He also told that he has an extra job at the some bar." Grandma said.

"Mhm." I nodded.

"He told me about his horse aswell. It is a very rare species."

"That's very interesting." I faked smiled.

"You know Y/N, i think he cares about you alot."

"Why would you think that?" I raised an eyebrow.
"He asked if you're doing fine. You know maybe you two should go somewhere together, because you got along at that festival you went, am i right? Why don't you give it a try. Maybe you two will get to know each other even more. Maybe with that you two-" i cut her off.

"Granny, i think we both need some sleep." I said.

"Maybe you're right, dear. After all it was a long day for both of us." She chuckled.

"Yes for sure." I smiled.

"Night granny. See you in the morning."

"Good night to you too, dear."

~in the middle of the night~

I woke up in the middle of the night, wrapped in my sheets. I looked at the clock on my phone and it was barely 2 in the morning.
My throat was quite dry so I got out of bed and quietly went down the stairs to the kitchen to drink some water.

I took the glass and opened the faucet so the water flowed into it. I slowly drank it and then set the glass down in the sink.

I started walking back towards the stairs but suddenly I heard a knock at the front door.
I thought i'm only imagining it but then there was another knock.

'Fuck, is this Blizø?! But he rarely knocks. Well, he don't knock at all.
But now I don't know how are things between us.'
I thought to myself.

I didn’t know if I should open it, since at a time like this, almost no one came.

But I don’t know why but I wanted to know who they are and why they are here. Just in case, I took a knife from the kitchen because you never know who you meet around these streets.

I slowly opened the door and I noticed a shadow. Then I opened the door wide and Striker was standing in front of me.

"Y/N~ *hiccup* Darlin'~" he smiled with his teeth.

"Striker!? It's fucking 2am! What the hell are you doing here?" I yelled whispered.

"Shhhh~" he put his finger to my lips to silence me. "Relax a bit~ i bet youe are sooo happye to see me- me again~" he said completely incomprehensibly.

I started to the awful smell of the alcohol and the smell of cigarettes. "Oh for fuck sake! You're drunk?" I crossed my arms.

"Ha, no~" he chuckled.
"You stink of alcohol, you dumb fuck. How did you even-" then he fell back on ground.

I gasped and stepped closer to him.
"What the fuck!" I yelled.

"Okeyey, maybe just a little bit~" he smiled.
"Dammit." I said and tried to help him stand up.

"Fuck, you're heavy." I pulled him by his hands.
"Oh yes baby, keep pulling me like that~" he smirked.

"You want to stay here on the ground with your head crushed?" I glared.

"Rough, i see~" he laughed. I rolled my eyes and he finally stood up.
But then he couldn't stand straight anymore so I quickly caught him so he wouldn’t fall again.

"Aw, myy love you are helping mei~? *hiccup* So sweet of ya~" he poked me with his finger on my cheek.
"Stop that!" I backed away a little with my face and helped him walk inside the house.

"Where are we going~? Is it nice in here~?"
We got to the living room and I pushed him onto the couch.

His hat fell to the ground and he was burying his face into a pillow. "Dude! What are you doing?" I said.

He turned his gaze at me "Huh? Oh you're there. I thought it was you- hah silly me." He chuckled to himself.

"Oh hell nah buddy! Look at you! You're completely wasted" I pointed at him.

"So you're saying you don't want to get with thiss?" he wanted to stand up again but he immediately fell down on the couch.

"That's right. Now stay here, i'll get you some water, okey?"

"Anything for ya~" he smiled.

I faked a smile and went to the kitchen for a glass of water.
I can’t believe this is happening. How did he even get here. I didn't see Bombproof anywhere.

When I poured the water I went back to the living room and Striker was nowhere to be seen.

"Shit!" I put the glass on the table and went to look for him. How could he be so fast now.
"Striker! Striker!" I whispered yelled around the house not to wake up my grandma.
"Sorry, can't hear ya, i'm peeing!" I heard hin in the bathroom. "Shhh! Be more quiet!" I warned him.
Then I heard the water flush.

I stood at the door and wait for him when he would come out. He opened the door and when he saw, a smile appeared on his face.
"Well look who's already waiting for me~"

"I told you to stay in the living room. You could fall again or some shit!"

"Calm down. I know you wouldn't want me to ruin your couch, would you?" He chuckled.

"Zip up your pants." I looked him up and down.

He smirked at me "Why don't you do it for me~?"
"Very funny." I showed him my middle finger.

~Time skip~

I sat for a bit with Striker on the couch and turned on some TV to watch. He is very annoying when he's drunk but he was unexpectedly quiet now.

I started closing my eyes as I became more and more sleepy.

hen I felt the tail wrap around mine and Striker pressed me closer to him.

I looked at him up and his eyes were closed. He breathes were slow and he looked so peaceful.
I smiled a bit and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Are you warm enough, love?


Yes! Finally i finished this chapter!
Can't wait to share with you the next one!

Seeya loves!♡♡♡

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