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Y/N's POV:

Striker told me he had to kill Prince Stolas. I didn’t even know how to react to this. We were still in his room I was dressing in my clothes at the time because we ....... you know.
"Now sugar, I would like you to join me." When I got dressed I looked at him with wide eyes. I didn’t even know what to answer to that.

"You want me to help you to kill the prince?" He nodded and devilish smirk appear on his face. "C'mon sweetie, i know you hate him because he just monopolizes your little friend Blitz. Am I right?" I looked at the floor and thought of Blitzø.

Will it be easier for him if Stolas is gone?

Will it get harder for him?

I know, Blitzø is a big fucking dumbass, but I have to admit that he also cared about me and never turned his back on me.

"So what do you say sweet cheeks, are you going to partner up with me?" Striker gave me his hand to take it. I looked him in the eyes then in his hand.

SHIT. What am I going to do?


Blitzo's POV:

Millie told me to get ready to go watch this moon or whatever the fuck. I have been waiting for them in front of the house for a very long time. I was getting impatient. 'Where the fuck are they?' I thought to myself. By the way, I wouldn't go at all but Millie begged me to come with her, Moxxie and Y/N so i agreed for once.

I waited a few more minutes. "Okey, that's it!" I said out loud in anger and started walking towards the door of the house.

"Sir! Sir! Wait up!" I heard Moxxie running from the back of the house. "Well finally, where have your shit face been for so long. And where's your hoe and Y/N?" I put my hands on my hips and asked Moxxie who was completely out of breath. "M-Mill-Millie is in the ba-basement but s-he's okey, don't worry. This motherfucker locked us in there but I rescued us and came to seek help. But Y/N..." Moxxie stopped because he had to take several deep breaths.

"But Y/N what? Speak up dammit!" I raised my voice because I was worried about what happened to Y/N.
"We have to save her from that, you know. Oh fuck I forgot his name. You know, from that horse guy." Moxxie told me and still breathing as if he would fall unconscious at any moment now.

I knew immediately who he meant. "Oh this cocky piss of shit. Come one Mox, we need to find her quick." I said and grabbed my gun from my belt. "I think I know where she is sir." Moxxie said and rubbed his head. "Then tell me you dick!" I was really annoyed with him.
"Follow me!" Moxxie said and started running again into the house. I followed him right behind.


Y/N's POV:

I was still in doubt. Should I help Striker kill Stolas? Striker watched me the whole time if I would take his hand or not. "I want your decision. I don't have all day." I sighed and looked at him again. I have already given Striker my permission to touch my body. But I still don’t know what that is supposed to be between us. Is it love or just a need for sexual touch.

I can say that it meant something to me but I don’t know what it is for him. He could only trick me just so he could sleep with me. I was overthinking too much.

Striker dropped his hand and came closer. He grabbed me by the back of my head and pulled me closer to his face. "Listen here, I will not ask you again if you will join me or not. You have no choice anymore. You are going with me and that's-" He could not complete the sentence as someone shot at the door of this room and entered.

"Excuse me, the fuck. Put your nasty hands off her!" I saw Blitzø standing in front of the door with a gun in his hand pointing at Striker with it. Striker smirked and let go of me. "Blitz i thought you were still at the ceremony."
Striker said completely calmly, as if everything was fine.

"You thought I wanted to stand around with a bunch of hillbillies excited about corn and shit with a thirsty owl on stage." Blitzø said sarcastically. "Huh now you seem disappointed in me." Striker continued and grabbed me by the hips and squeezed me closer to him.

"What are you fucking deaf? Don't touch her." Blitzø gritted his teeth. "Ohh you don't like it when I do this~?" Striker turned his gaze to me and kissed me passionately.


Holy shit. What will happen next?
You will see.

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