Chapter Eleven: The Fountain (under Edit)

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"I think the choice is not who we love, but how we act upon the love we feel."

Anberenien lay sweating and shaking as Galadriel's maidens comforted her. "It will soon pass, my Lady Princess. It is just the poison leaving you," she heard them say. Her entire body was wracked with pain and she could not keep down any food. But the maidens were kind and patient. They held her hand, sang songs of healing to her, and brought restoring drafts for her to sip. Sleep was a welcome relief. Then one morning, when she woke, her head felt clearer. Anberenien sat up, still slightly dizzy, and looked about the bright tent room.

There was a basin in a foldaway frame nearby, wisps of steam rising from it, a white towel hung on the edge of the frame. By the entrance was a brazier that kept the room warm with the scent of sage coming from it. Anberenien got up and went over to the basin, her bare feet sinking into the lush green carpet. In the water's reflection, she was relieved to see herself again. The monstrous makeup now washed away and her dark and silver hair, free of the ribbons. Yet she could see her eyes were not shining and her radiance was still diminished. Anberenien dipped her hands into the bowl, enjoying the warmth of the water through her fingers.

She scooped up some of the water, bathing her face in its comforting warmth. As she patted herself dry. One of the maidens entered the room, the front tresses of her warm brown hair braided away from her face. She smiled and bowed low. "My Lady Princess, you are awake. You look much better this morning. The colour is returning to your cheeks."

"Thank you, I am, but my head still feels a little strange," replied Anberenien.

"That is to be expected. Poppy syrup can make you very sick as it leaves the body. But, my Lady knew how to ease your distress," said the Maiden.

Another taller Maiden with white blonde hair also entered and bowed in similar fashion. "Mae Govannen, my Lady Princess. It is good to see you up and about."

Anberenien smiled awkwardly. "I do not quite understand all of this. I do not really know where I am or what I am doing here and everyone keeps calling me Princess," said Anberenien.

"I am called Lady Óliel, Chief Handmaiden to my Lady Galadriel, and my young friend here is Laurorne," said the taller maiden. They sat her down and explained that Lady Galadriel had left her in their care while they went to attack Dol Guldur. That Calenamath and the Huscarls had accompanied them. Of Aragorn's victory and his forthcoming coronation.

"But what of Radagast? I was told he was here," asked Anberenien.

The smile dropped from Óliel's eyes. "We tended to him when he first came. He was in a lot of pain from his wounds and distress from the withdrawal of the Poppy Syrup. My Lady wanted to send him on ahead to Lothlórien, but he refused, saying he would never leave the forest again."

"Where is he?" demanded Anberenien.

"Radagast is fading, my Lady Princess. He asked to be allowed to rest by the eaves of the forest. That he might be close to his friends. The Lord and Lady have a tent there for him and the healers make him as comfortable as they can."

Anberenien stood. "I must go to him immediately!"

"No My Lady Princess, My Lord gave strict orders that you are not to leave the tent until his return. You are not fully recovered and there are fugitives at large," said Óliel firmly.

"You do not understand. I must go to him." Anberenien flew out of the room and into the main chamber of the pavilion. As she looked about her, she saw a few attendants carrying out their duties. They smiled and bowed to her. "Good morning, my Lady Princess!" they chimed in unison. But she ignored their greetings and made her way to the entrance of the Pavillion. But as she tried to leave, the guards barred her way. "You must remain within, my Lady Princess, for your own safety," they said.

Princess of Arnor - The King's Regent (Under Edit)Where stories live. Discover now