Chapter Sixteen: The King and His Queen

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"Then let us not speak of this again until we are in Lothlórien. This should be a time of great joy and passion for us, not fear and worry." -Thranduil

It was midmorning when Legolas approached the royal pavilion. At Dawn, the king and queen had emerged from Firien Wood in matching green robes. The Wood Elves cheered and blessed the couple as they passed through the encampment to the royal pavilion. But Legolas doubted they had taken much rest. As he entered, he met with Padir who explained that the king had told him he and the queen were not to be disturbed. Legolas reminded him that the guests would soon arrive for the day's festivities. They then heard giggling from the king and queen's tent room.

"Is that my son?" called Thranduil's voice.

"It is my Lord King," Padir called back.

"Tell him to go away," replied Thranduil.

"Would you please remind the King and Queen that their guests will soon be here," insisted Legolas.

"My Lord King," called Padir.

"I heard what he said. Tell Legolas that the King and Queen will receive their guests when they are good and ready," called Thranduil.

He heard whispered voices, then Thranduil's voice again. "Do we have to? Oh, very well. Padir, have our breakfast brought to us and tell Legolas to prepare for our guests' arrival."

Legolas rolled his eyes. "I suppose I had better attend to my duties."

"I think that would be wise, my Lord Prince," said Padir.

Legolas exited the tent and went to inspect the large arena the Wood Elves had built in the meadow just outside the encampment. They had built a royal box, featuring two wooden thrones so that the king, queen and their honoured guests could enjoy the festivities. Soon enough, the guests arrived, and each was seated according to their status and kinship. Everyone else gathered around the cordon awaiting the king and queen's arrival. Cheers went up as they, at last, emerged arm in arm from the royal pavilion escorted by the Huscarls. Again, they dressed in green garments of matching cloth.

"Ai melaran Thranduil! Ai melris Alethris!" They called as the couple walked through the encampment towards the arena. Once seated on their thrones, the King gestured for the gifts to be presented. Prince Imrahil presented a chest with rare spices from faraway lands and Prince Faramir, a small sculpture of Minas Tirith. The Elves of Rivendell gave bolts of wool, linen, and silk they had woven. Glorfindel presented Alethris with a brooch of a golden flower, which he pinned upon her chest. "It is the symbol of my house, Gracious Queen."

"Thank you, Glorfindel. I shall treasure it always," replied Alethris.

Erestor presented a pile of books bound with the Sigil of Arnor. "You will need to keep an account of the rebuilding projects."

Alethris received them gratefully. "I am very thankful for your lessons Erestor, I never realised just how important they would be." Next, King Éomer presented a large chest with carvings of the Rohirrim charging to defend Minas Tirith upon it. Inside were drinking horns, furs and travel blankets.

Members of the Galadrim gave boxes of seeds, cuttings and saplings from various trees, fruits, vegetables and flowers. "To assist in the restoration of your realm," they said. Celeborn and Galadriel presented a casket containing rare oils and perfumes.

Next, Gimli presented them with a large uncut white gem. "My King will no doubt pay his respects to you upon your return the Eryn Lasgallen. In the meantime, I hope you will accept this small gift as a token of my esteem. When I was at Helms deep, I took this from the glittering caves to remind me to return if I survived the battle. It came with me on all my adventures and has brought me good fortune. May it bring the same to you."

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