Chapter Fifteen: Alethris

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"Come on Sam, one last adventure,"

The moment the hobbits had been waiting for had arrived. Some well-wishers had gathered around Lord Elrond's tent as he emerged with Princess Anberenien. She was wearing a gown of pale blue, embroidered with silver leaves, each leaf with one white gem sewn upon it. Over this, she wore a cloak of cloth of silver, embroidered with the Sigils of Arnor and Gondor. Her dual toned hair was long and loose, with meadow flowers woven into it. The same Meadow flowers that adorned her Arnorian crown.

Sam's mouth dropped open. "She looks like a fairy queen from Mr Bilbo's stories."

Frodo winked and smiled. "You may very well be right, Sam."

The well-wishers clapped, cheered and threw flowers as they passed through the camp and followed the torchlit path up and up into the wood. Sam felt a tugging on his sleeve. "Come on, Sam, before the others notice," whispered Frodo.

"I am not sure it's allowed, Mr Frodo. What if we get caught? Gandalf is bound to turn us into a frog or something."

Frodo winked back at him. "Come on, Sam, one last adventure." And the two hobbits slipped away from the encampment unnoticed. As they entered Firien Wood, Sam felt a sense of unease, as if they were walking into a temple and its guardians were watching them. He was so afraid that he dared not speak. Nervously, they crept through the forest. "It's just a little further," whispered Frodo.

Soon they heard faint voices in the distance and got down on the ground. Slowly, they crawled to a small clearing by the stream that ran through the forest. The Wood Elves had driven their red torches into the ground, bathing the clearing in their light. Those present stood in a large circle with three figures in its centre.

"Look, it's Gandalf, so that's what he is there for," whispered Sam.

"What else do you see?" whispered Frodo.

As Sam looked, he saw the Elven King kneeling before the Princess and offering her his sword. She took it into her hands and they spoke what sounded like oaths to each other before she bowed low to him and handed the sword back. Sam knew they were speaking Elvish, but he could not understand it.

"They are speaking in Quenya, making oaths to each other in the name of Eru," whispered Frodo.

"But why do they call the princess, Almárie," whispered Sam.

"Because that is her true name," whispered Frodo.

Sam realized there was something different about the Princess. "She looks taller, her hair is all silver, and she glows, not like the Elves, more like Gandalf!" whispered Sam.

"You see her as she is, too. I hoped you would. But you must never speak of it, ever, nor put pen to paper. I only brought you because you are a ring bearer and I know I can trust you," whispered Frodo.

"Not even to the princess. I don't think I could lie to her," whispered Sam.

Frodo smiled. "She is the Woodland Queen now."

They saw the couple exchange rings and Gandalf bound their hands with a white cord. The Elves resumed singing as the couple embraced and kissed. King Elessar and Queen Arwen looked at each other lovingly and held hands. Gandalf smiled and congratulated them both. His eyes then looked in the hobbits' direction and he winked. "We must leave now else we will be missed," whispered Frodo. Quickly, he pulled Sam away and they both ran away as fast as they could. Just as they exited the wood, Sam stopped. "The Princess, the Queen, Almárie, she is no mortal, is she."

Frodo shook his head and smiled. "No, Sam. But come on, we must get back."

As they reached the encampment, they could see people looking up and pointing at the sky. It amazed the hobbits to see many stars shooting across the inky sky. "Wow, that's better than Gandalf's fireworks. But don't tell him I said that, will you?" said Sam.

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