Chapter Thirty Six: Nínimiel

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"she is growing all too fast for my liking,"

Nínimiel reached out her arms as her nurse carried her into the throne room, "Nana, Ada, you are home, Nana, Ada, I missed you so much."

"And I have missed you too, little one," said Márafea, taking her into her arms.

"She has been running her nurses ragged," said Legolas.

"I would expect nothing less," smiled Thranduil.

"My Lord King, my Lady Queen, I am most pleased to see you return to us," said Celephinniel.

Legolas embraced them both, "Welcome home father, Márafea, we are glad to see you safely returned." He turned and noticed Fimas and smiled, "And who is this young fellow?"

Gimli frowned at him, "Mind your manners Legolas, no need to insult the young maiden,"

Legolas looked horrified, "Oh my apologies! I have never met a lady Dwarf before,"

Gimli laughed, "Ah you probably have, you just might not have known it,"

"Legolas, Gimli, Celephinniel, may I introduce Fimas, daughter of Fima of the Blue Mountains. She is spending the winter with us as our honoured guest. Celephinniel, would you arrange one of the guest chambers for her? One of the better ones," said Márafea. Celephinniel smiled and nodded, then headed for the guest chambers.

"I see you also have a guest," said Thranduil.

"Ah! I thought I recognised you, though you have grown since I was last in the Blue Mountains. How are your kinfolk? Is your father well?" asked Gimli.

Fimas shifted awkwardly, "He is Lord Gimli, but my uncle is with his forefathers, we assisted in the reclaiming of the ruined city and a troll crushed him."

Gimli scratched his beard. "I am sorry to hear that Lass, Glendi was a brave fellow. I shall be sure to pass on the news when I return to Erebor."

"I have also invited Celeborn to spend Yule with us, Father. I hope you will not object. He should arrive in time for Nínimiel's second year of the sun," said Legolas.

Thranduil smiled, "And why would I object? Celeborn is good company, and it is about time we returned the favour."

Legolas and Márafea exchanged amusing looks. "The King and Celeborn rekindled their friendship some time ago," she whispered.

"Then I hope you will not object to my paying a brief visit to East Lorien once Gimli returns to Erebor. I have some, friends I wish to visit and will return with Celeborn," said Legolas.

"I see," said Thranduil, looking into his son's eyes. "Why have you not told me before?"

Legolas blushed, "There has been much to do, it is only now I feel I can attend to, personal matters."

"Well, I am sure she must be very special to have caught the eye of my son," said Thranduil.

"She is Father and, in time, I hope I may bring her here to meet my family," said Legolas.

"We are happy for you, Legolas," said Márafea.


Márafea snuggled Nínimiel into her cloak as the wind whipped around them at the Port of Dale. In the distance, the silhouette of the royal barge came slowly out of the mists. "I think that went rather well," she said.

"It was all a bit sudden, but I suppose that's Dwarves for you. They only met when Fimas came to visit the Elven Halls, next thing they are getting wed," said Thranduil.

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