Chapter Two: The Rite

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"What have I done, to cause her so much anger?" -Thorwen

26th February/ Nínui 3019, The training grounds

The skies appeared darker than usual that morning when Thorwen left the Elven Halls for her training session. When she met Bregwen on the training ground, she was not her normal cheery self. Her demeanor was reserved and formal. Even as they sparred, Thorwen could feel Bregwen's repressed anger. Suddenly, she gave out a furious cry and knocked Thorwen to the ground. She lay stunned for a moment. It had been a long time since Bregwen had sparred with her so hard. But instead of holding her hand out, Bregwen continued to point her training sticks at Thorwen. Her eyes almost glittering with a hint of menace.


Bregwen's angry eyes remained transfixed on Thorwen's as if in a trance.

"My Lady!" called one of the Huscarls who had been training nearby. He touched her shoulder and the flame in Bregwen's eyes diminished. Immediately she pulled Thorwen to standing, tears welling in her eyes.

"My apologies, Thorwen. I do not know what came over me."

Thorwen tried to reassure her there was nothing wrong, but Bregwen pulled herself away and ran off toward the Halls. The other Huscarl shook his head. "I would not take it personally, my lady. She has been acting strangely of late. Since the King sent Calenamath away."

"He is improving our defences on our Western borders. She has never shown any concern before," replied Thorwen.

The Huscarl nodded awkwardly, then looked towards the sullen skies. "Perhaps it is something in the air, Hiril Nin." He bowed politely and returned to the others, who were still training. Thorwen could tell he was hiding something. She placed her practice sticks on the stand and returned to her chamber. Still troubled by what had taken place.

After she had bathed, Thorwen read a letter from Arwen that had just arrived. She had never met her adopted sister, but since Arwen returned to Imladris, they both maintained a fond correspondence with each other.

Gelben answered a knock from the chamber door and Celephinniel entered, dressed in her training garb. "It appears I missed your session today. Candaer said there was an incident, and you left early. I came to see if you were well..."

"It was not I who was in distress, Celephinniel." And Thorwen proceeded to tell her what had happened on the training ground. "She left before she could explain herself. Perhaps we could go to her chamber and see what ails her."

Celephinniel did not reply immediately, but her response surprised Thorwen. "Perhaps it might be wise for you to train away from the Huscarls for a little while."

"What do you mean? I have trained with them since I first came here. Bregwen and I are close friends. Why should I not train with them? Have I done something wrong?"

Celephinniel shook her head, but she did not sound reassuring. "You have not done anything wrong. But something has happened because of you and this has caused distress to others."

"What have I done to cause her so much anger? She is my friend. I would never do anything to offend her."

"Nor she, you, but when an Elf gives their heart....... it is forever."

"But Thranduil was wed before....."

"Yes, and in normal circumstances, the King would remain widowed until his time to pass into the West came. Only once has it been recorded in our histories of an Elf, a king no less taking a second wife."

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